Just because technology is old doesn't mean it's dangerous. It's how its used that makes it dangerous.
As mentioned before, the Soyuz system is a mature one - its well understood and robust. There are no undocumented features, and thus far there seems to have been no gremlins left in the design.
This, more likely than not, was a manufacturing defect - one in a process where quality assurance program should not have failed because they know damn well what a defect will do. We just saw it happen.
As mentioned before, the Soyuz system is a mature one - its well understood and robust. There are no undocumented features, and thus far there seems to have been no gremlins left in the design.
This, more likely than not, was a manufacturing defect - one in a process where quality assurance program should not have failed because they know damn well what a defect will do. We just saw it happen.