If you want ex-military, buy Russian.
Ultimately, there's nothing you can do with a Forrestal class that you can't do with a Freighter, which will be easier to aquire. You're still looking at a six-seven figure sum, as opposed to an eight or nine-figure if you're buying at scrap prices. Not to mention the fact that the US Government does not like Fen....
Bulk freighters can be picked up at scrap prices in multiple places. But scrap price for that much metal isn't going to be cheap.
SS Ciara is something of an oddball in that respect. I've no objection to other ex-military naval ships appearing, so long as they remain the first (The initial Oh Shit! Warship! Being too funny), just so long as there's a fair reason for the country involved to sell it. (The Navy here has sold old ships at auction to private hands for conversion to yachts before).
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
Ultimately, there's nothing you can do with a Forrestal class that you can't do with a Freighter, which will be easier to aquire. You're still looking at a six-seven figure sum, as opposed to an eight or nine-figure if you're buying at scrap prices. Not to mention the fact that the US Government does not like Fen....
Bulk freighters can be picked up at scrap prices in multiple places. But scrap price for that much metal isn't going to be cheap.
SS Ciara is something of an oddball in that respect. I've no objection to other ex-military naval ships appearing, so long as they remain the first (The initial Oh Shit! Warship! Being too funny), just so long as there's a fair reason for the country involved to sell it. (The Navy here has sold old ships at auction to private hands for conversion to yachts before).
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?