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[Fluff] Marketting, y'know
Quote:Based on Mrs. Haur's popularity curves, we'd suggest focusing 40% of the budget on the Kulbit. Halo effect should also raise interest in the other craft especially amonst those who can't afford an outright racer. We're looking at targetting the following groups
2: Crystal Millennium members who are both female and male, and who have recently searched for the Keywords 'Stonewell-Bellcom' or 'Black Aeronaut technologies' or derivatives

Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.

Messages In This Thread
[Fluff] Marketting, y'know - by Dartz - 10-25-2014, 02:02 AM
[No subject] - by ECSNorway - 10-30-2014, 09:00 PM
[No subject] - by Dartz - 10-31-2014, 02:51 AM

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