The rampant abuse of power, no. I do not defend that, nor do I consider there to be any real grounds to do so.
What I do object to is the implication that there is any kind of unified, faceless Them, a badged-and-uniformed conspiracy of tyranny and incompetence.
Nothing real is never that simple, and reacting to illusions rather than reality tends to be a disaster in the making.
I am not, in principle, opposed to the idea of greater oversight and accountability in cases of brutality or overreaction on the part of police or border security - but I freely admit that I know very little about the measures that are currently in place in that regard for either category. Much of my own reaction in this context is driven as much by my own extreme distrust for hysteria and hyperbole as anything else.
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
What I do object to is the implication that there is any kind of unified, faceless Them, a badged-and-uniformed conspiracy of tyranny and incompetence.
Nothing real is never that simple, and reacting to illusions rather than reality tends to be a disaster in the making.
I am not, in principle, opposed to the idea of greater oversight and accountability in cases of brutality or overreaction on the part of police or border security - but I freely admit that I know very little about the measures that are currently in place in that regard for either category. Much of my own reaction in this context is driven as much by my own extreme distrust for hysteria and hyperbole as anything else.
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."