Quote:JFerio wrote:So those kinds of tactics are distasteful and wrong. But if they are used by your side, they get a pass?
Also, while I agree that the particular weapon used is... distasteful (as well it should be), I do believe that, in the idea of which principle should be higher, rights to be oneself as long as it does no harm to others, versus being above a petty schoolyard tactic like name calling... I'm sorry, for me, the rights win out. If Santorum=Frothy keeps him from getting into a position to roll back human rights by 300 years, then I can live with it. That he hasn't given up yet says that he's so into believing it that reasoning won't win him out anyway.
I never, ever want to hear anybody badmouth conservatives for being hypocritical ever again.
You want to know WHY this makes me rage? Because I've had something very much like this happen to me back in jr high/ high school. Not on the same scale. This was pre-internet. But I shudder to think what it would have been like if it had been. (Edit: And no, I don't want to talk about it or share it. Just - I know what it's like having your name twisted and used against you by punks. Leave it at that.)
I may not like or agree with Santorum. But can you imagine what his kids are going to have to go through because of this? What they may already be going through? Have you given the slightest thought to that?
Can you imagine doing a google search on your last name only to find this crap being spread? And it's not even your fault! But kids are cruel in Jr High and High School. They'll find out about it via social websites and such. And Santorum's children will likely be in for harassment at some point using this as a weapon. Believe me, I know how cruel HS age children are.
So I will NEVER condone it. Not even when it's done for a cause I agree with. Perhaps ESPECIALLY if it's for a cause I agree with. Because it cheapens and demeans it. Makes me feel filthy for even associating with it. Makes me sick to my stomach with unpleasant memories of my own.