Instead of a system deliberately designed to give the least result for the most money (in order to produce profit for the small subset of the population who are shareholders), we could have a system actually designed to efficiently provide care for the sick (in order to produce 'profit' in the form of good health for the entire population who are 'shareholders' of the government. The result - lowered personal and systematic expenditures on health care for no loss or even an increase in effectiveness - is not a theory, an illusion, or a pie-in-the-sky fantasy, but a proven and accomplished fact wherever it's been tried.
More, no one, not one single person I've ever met or heard of[/i], has suggested outlawing people from seeking private care if they so choose.
Given the demonstrated effectiveness and affordability of single-payer health care systems in the real world, trying to argue for the supposed 'virtues' of private health care is a symptom of either ignorance (from someone who doesn't know how public health care has, in fact, worked in every other properly civilized country in the world), insanity (from someone who has started with an ideological conviction and determined to throw out the evidence that would otherwise disprove it), or evil (from someone who is prepared to pay more for their health care for the sake of increasing the suffering and risks of others).
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
More, no one, not one single person I've ever met or heard of[/i], has suggested outlawing people from seeking private care if they so choose.
Given the demonstrated effectiveness and affordability of single-payer health care systems in the real world, trying to argue for the supposed 'virtues' of private health care is a symptom of either ignorance (from someone who doesn't know how public health care has, in fact, worked in every other properly civilized country in the world), insanity (from someone who has started with an ideological conviction and determined to throw out the evidence that would otherwise disprove it), or evil (from someone who is prepared to pay more for their health care for the sake of increasing the suffering and risks of others).
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."