Actually, and i say this as one of those "Kooks", let them shut the government down, unlike what the democrats and the talking heads of the liberal media, (and 99.9% of the US media is liberal biased mind you) would have you believe, shutting down the government is not going to end the social security checks, its not going to end the paychecks to the military, and its not going to stop the welfare checks. all the necesary functions are going to still be there regardless of what the fear mongers are screaming. What it is going to do is send 2/3s of the beurocrats home and let the actual necessity of people get the business of running the government done. Now over the last 6 years the house has sent the senate at least 10 budgets most of which allowed obamacare to be funded, the senate has deep sixed every bloody one of them for various reasons. Sequestration was Obama's comprimise, not the republicans, he just was dumb enough to think that the republicans would worry so much about funding the military that they would give him the social welfare blank check he wanted in a new budget back last year and not take the sequestration, WRONG.
Dont bluff, especially when your not even holding cards.
Dont bluff, especially when your not even holding cards.