All laws and programs have unintended consequences. Everything a government does (Or for that matter avoids doing) causes some form of unintended consequence. As much as a Program creates some unforeseen difficulty, the only effect of repealing that program entirely will be to revert to a known status quo that is known to be broken. Therefore that program should - rather than be annihilated entirely which will remove any positive effects the program has had - be amended to correct the flaws that have appeared.
If a Program causes a problem, then perhaps amend the program to include tax-breaks for companies who hire more full-time employees, or make some of the costs of healthcare a partial tax-write-off or any number of things - or a dozen other options. (Why not make insurance costs a tax-writeoff for whoever pays it then? Since paying for it is mandatory...).
Never mind that doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results is a mark of lunacy. What would happen in a functioning democracy is that somebody would propose an amendment like that - in some form or another - both sides would compromise to cover both their agendas as best as possible to find the solution that theoretically fits the will of the majority of people and the edifice rumbles along.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
If a Program causes a problem, then perhaps amend the program to include tax-breaks for companies who hire more full-time employees, or make some of the costs of healthcare a partial tax-write-off or any number of things - or a dozen other options. (Why not make insurance costs a tax-writeoff for whoever pays it then? Since paying for it is mandatory...).
Never mind that doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results is a mark of lunacy. What would happen in a functioning democracy is that somebody would propose an amendment like that - in some form or another - both sides would compromise to cover both their agendas as best as possible to find the solution that theoretically fits the will of the majority of people and the edifice rumbles along.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?