The reason we don't like the ACA is because it is quite basically an incredibly bad law.
Take a look at the consequences: Health insurance costs for most of the population are doubling or tripling. Thousands of businesses are laying off workers or converting full-time positions to part-time in order to avoid their share of this cost increase. Even the big labor unions, traditionally Obaka's strongest supporters, are coming out against it.
What did you EXPECT when Congress was presented with a FIFTEEN THOUSAND PAGE bill and NOT GIVEN TIME TO REVIEW IT before voting on it? What would you do if someone dumped a 15,000-page contract on your desk and said "This is going to govern the rest of your life, sign it now, no you have to sign it now you can't read it first, no you can't get a lawyer either"? You'd throw it in their face, that's what you'd do.
You get exactly what we're getting now: CRAPPED UPON by a pile of steaming dung in the shape of an attempt to outright seize control of our economy.
It needs to be TRASHED and replaced with something that MAKES SENSE. I agree that the situation needs to be improved and healthcare needs to be more affordable and more accessible, but this is quite clearly NOT THE SOLUTION.
Take a hint from what's been happening with college tuition over the past 40 years. Government subsidies MAKE THINGS MORE EXPENSIVE.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Take a look at the consequences: Health insurance costs for most of the population are doubling or tripling. Thousands of businesses are laying off workers or converting full-time positions to part-time in order to avoid their share of this cost increase. Even the big labor unions, traditionally Obaka's strongest supporters, are coming out against it.
What did you EXPECT when Congress was presented with a FIFTEEN THOUSAND PAGE bill and NOT GIVEN TIME TO REVIEW IT before voting on it? What would you do if someone dumped a 15,000-page contract on your desk and said "This is going to govern the rest of your life, sign it now, no you have to sign it now you can't read it first, no you can't get a lawyer either"? You'd throw it in their face, that's what you'd do.
You get exactly what we're getting now: CRAPPED UPON by a pile of steaming dung in the shape of an attempt to outright seize control of our economy.
It needs to be TRASHED and replaced with something that MAKES SENSE. I agree that the situation needs to be improved and healthcare needs to be more affordable and more accessible, but this is quite clearly NOT THE SOLUTION.
Take a hint from what's been happening with college tuition over the past 40 years. Government subsidies MAKE THINGS MORE EXPENSIVE.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.