Rajvik Wrote:Quote:blackaeronaut wrote:You know, guys... I can respect the fact that the GOP in the House has submitted several revisions of the budget... But the one problem they keep running into time and time again is that they keep trying to screw around with the ACA's funding. I kid thee not, it's like some kid sticking their hand into the cookie jar only to get their hand thwacked by an uncannily observant mother.the thing is they have, all they asked with the last CR before the shutdown was a delay in implimentation, the same one year delay that Obama by fiat gave to employers
Now, if the House can submit a budget that leaves the ACA's funding intact... Well, maybe we'll get somewhere.
And please don't argue that the Democrats aren't willing to compromise. They're willing to cut deals... just not on the ACA's funding.
Oh... and if the ACA is so horribly flawed... then for crying out loud, fix it instead of trying to kill it. You might actually get somewhere with that instead!
And the problem wih the ACA is that it is SO horribly flawed that it cant be fixed, it was built to fail in the first place and force everyone into the single payer system that the democrats wanted in the first place, I'll see if i cant over the weekend find the video clip where in the 08 election run up Obama promised a single payer system
You're mistaking 'built to fail' with 'built to be something everyone agrees on'. Fair enough, they often have the same result.
Something that is 15,000 pages long is rarely rammed through a legislature. The majority of those pages normally come about through the small demands members of that legislature demand to have made in order to ensure that they will vote for it EU treaties have the same problem - they're so verbose and complex in an attempt to add a clause that pleases everyone who needs to vote for it, or at least allows them to save face, that they just sort of metastise into a a legislative tumour just to reach a compromise that 'everyone' agrees on but ultimately ends up being something nobody is satisfied with.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?