As a way of demonstrating to people how much they take the Government and its presence for granted, you can't argue with it.... OTOH, I'd also wonder if there isn't another motive. One that involves liability lawsuits. Nothing causes more idiocy than the mere whisper of a potential of a lawsuit in the event that someone has the potential to have an accident. Especially if the plaintiff's solicitor can make a case that their harm was compounded by a dangerously low level of staffing caused by deliberate budget cuts.
And in the example you offer of sticker-shock? I think the more pertinent issue is the fact that there's little to no competition in their market anyway. It's the same thing that happened here with car insurance. Two or three major companies providing it means premiums that at times can exceed the cost of the fine for not having insurance. It's a sign of a lack of competition more than anything - something which the article touches on.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
And in the example you offer of sticker-shock? I think the more pertinent issue is the fact that there's little to no competition in their market anyway. It's the same thing that happened here with car insurance. Two or three major companies providing it means premiums that at times can exceed the cost of the fine for not having insurance. It's a sign of a lack of competition more than anything - something which the article touches on.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?