but who bells the cat Dartz? with the way this thing is set-up its a half step, not even a whole one, to saying that you have to have all kinds of insurance coverage, and damn to the insurance companies who want to stay above water because they are having to cover every Tom Dick and Harry who want to make frivolous claims on their policy and they aren't allowed to drop them due to "Grandfather" clauses and "Pre-existing Conditions". As i said there needs to be a median, but the government arbitrarily stepping in and saying that everyone must have insurance and the insurance companies MUST cover them no matter what is a recipe for disaster. And what happens when the insurance companies pass the buck when they go out of business, does the US goes even deeper in debt, or are we all just left hanging out in the cold with our snarglies exposed to the axe. The ACA is not dropping the cost, people are paying 2-4 times their usual rates as of next year to cover the old and "pre-existing conditions" who should be getting their help elsewhere or by heavens pay for it themselves. you want a solution, open the state borders and allow the populace to go "Out of State" searching for their healthcare coverage. The ACA doesnt do that, it just makes a bad system worse by putting more strain on it.
As for how wealthy the U.S. is, our nation is over 17 Trillion dollars in debt either through bonds sold to the populace, (if memory serves something like 70% of the national debt) or loans from foriegn nations and powers. I look at Greece and see the U.S. in about 10-15 years because we can not seem to get people into office who can reign in the spending, and the ACA is just another welfare program that is not needed. If you're poor in the U.S. there is MEDICAID, if you are a senior citizen there is MEDICARE and Social Security, (the last having been robbed by all parties for pet prodjects and never repaid.) Charity is not a job of the government, it is a job of the church, the people of the area and if thats not enough to help some people, then by all thats holy those people should get a bloody job. I dont mean a job that you want, but any job you can bloody well lay your hands on. Right now i work a job i HATE, i hate it because the people i work with are absolute idiots, not ignorant, ignorance can be cured these people are just bone deep stupid, as are half the people i work for, but i stick with it because i cant get hired for anything better in the area right now. Are there other jobs out there, oh hades yes, some of them i am physically incapable of doing, others i dont have the know how and am willing to admit it, and then i have a felony conviction hanging over my head that makes most others hard if not impossible to get. Right now i'm stuck doing physical labor as my body slowly tears itself apart, but i'll stick with it until i'm able to secure something better.
people have commented (not in this thread but elsewhere) that there is no such thing as a "Welfare Queen" well they obviously havent been down in some neighborhoods around me where its 3rd generation welfare recipients, sometimes 4th, not because the people are incapable or uneducated, but because they know they can sit on they're dead arse and collect a government check for doing nothing. several government checks at that and for someone who grew up with his parents making the sacrifices, scrimping and doing without so that they could hold their heads up and say, "My child does not eat reduced or free meals at school." it irritates me to no end watching people be lazy.
As for communism and socialism as a "Boogeyman" just because the russians are no longer communists doesnt mean its not still out there, and are the poster children for "Oppressive Regimes" and whether they are or not does not negate the failure of the command economy.
As for how wealthy the U.S. is, our nation is over 17 Trillion dollars in debt either through bonds sold to the populace, (if memory serves something like 70% of the national debt) or loans from foriegn nations and powers. I look at Greece and see the U.S. in about 10-15 years because we can not seem to get people into office who can reign in the spending, and the ACA is just another welfare program that is not needed. If you're poor in the U.S. there is MEDICAID, if you are a senior citizen there is MEDICARE and Social Security, (the last having been robbed by all parties for pet prodjects and never repaid.) Charity is not a job of the government, it is a job of the church, the people of the area and if thats not enough to help some people, then by all thats holy those people should get a bloody job. I dont mean a job that you want, but any job you can bloody well lay your hands on. Right now i work a job i HATE, i hate it because the people i work with are absolute idiots, not ignorant, ignorance can be cured these people are just bone deep stupid, as are half the people i work for, but i stick with it because i cant get hired for anything better in the area right now. Are there other jobs out there, oh hades yes, some of them i am physically incapable of doing, others i dont have the know how and am willing to admit it, and then i have a felony conviction hanging over my head that makes most others hard if not impossible to get. Right now i'm stuck doing physical labor as my body slowly tears itself apart, but i'll stick with it until i'm able to secure something better.
people have commented (not in this thread but elsewhere) that there is no such thing as a "Welfare Queen" well they obviously havent been down in some neighborhoods around me where its 3rd generation welfare recipients, sometimes 4th, not because the people are incapable or uneducated, but because they know they can sit on they're dead arse and collect a government check for doing nothing. several government checks at that and for someone who grew up with his parents making the sacrifices, scrimping and doing without so that they could hold their heads up and say, "My child does not eat reduced or free meals at school." it irritates me to no end watching people be lazy.
As for communism and socialism as a "Boogeyman" just because the russians are no longer communists doesnt mean its not still out there, and are the poster children for "Oppressive Regimes" and whether they are or not does not negate the failure of the command economy.