Quote: jpub wrote:[/url]
See, my issue with this is that if you *really* consider comics, the healer and debuffer classes are nigh-nonexistent, and the mezzing types are universally
of a very high power level.
I'm all for the concept, I'm just worried that Jack's going to try to shoeshorn in the standard MMO elements again.
I've been reading the Champions
Online forums and following the media coverage. I can't provide you with complete URLs because...well admittedly I can't find them right now. But one
poster cited this list of [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Champions_%28role-playing_game%29#Character_archetypes_and_designs]Champions character archetypes from Wikipedia - in
summary, 'Bricks', 'Martial Artists', 'Energy Blasters', 'Mentalists'. They suggested these would be the main character classes
in Champions Online. And Jack Emmert replied that's very close to what they're planning.
It amuses me that this is also pretty much what City of Heroes has, at least in terms of general nomenclature. However, it
does look like things will work out differently...at least so far. Look at this article on
massively.com - "As Jack Emmert explains it, anybody in the game will be able to tank if they so desire --
they'll just tank differently."
What does concern me is the mechanics of the combat system, as detailed in that same article...that is, you spam a basic
attack until your endurance meter builds up, and then you can unleash your powers. Or at least that's what
it's suggesting. Which seems really enh to me. But we'll see. The Champions Online thread on the combat system, with one dev post (speaking of an
equilibrum point for endurance meter), is here. I'm
hoping they just mean basic attacks to restore endurance or restore endurance
faster. Being unable to open up a fight with a big alpha or even heal your teammates without spamming attacks sounds like it'd seriously suck
, so I'm hoping that's NOT what they mean.
I'm also sorta meh on the idea of more action-based gameplay, but that's possibly a good change of pace and something to distinguish CO in the
industry. I know for a fact that I definitely enjoyed Tabula Rasa's quasi-FPS gameplay, for instance.
-- Acyl