Quote: Foxboy wrote:
Marvel's Cloak from the old duo Cloak and Dagger. His primary is a sight debuff with creepy mez as a secondary.
I forgot about Cloak!
I never really got into Tabula Rasa... I wanted to like it, it has some nice ideas (you have to aim? taking cover actually helps? ZOMG!) but where it fell
apart for me was the total disconnect I felt between my shooting and the results. I'd blaze away, either from cover or while jinking around trying to get
there, and eventually, if the aliens/monsters didn't get me first, they'd flop over abruptly. I had NO IDEA whether I was doing well or badly. Did it
matter where I aimed? What was the whole target-lock thing actually doing? Which weapon/power should I be using? I never had any frickin' idea.
In Halo, by way of contrast, I rapidly learned that some weapons worked on some foes better than others, that enemies had weak points I could aim at, etc. I
didn't need this to be explained to me in a manual or forum because I could see it happening while playing the game. Remember that Far Side cartoon with
the dead mammoth with one arrow sticking out of it? "Maybe we should write that spot down" indeed.
Maybe I'm just not willing to put the same sort of time spent learning the intricacies of CoX into another MMO.