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The new Seraph's
RE: The new Seraph's
Holy shit.
Thank you all for 1,000 views.
I know my writing isn't on par with what it was 12 years ago, but I find writing short slices of live more therapeutic than big multi page drama.
So thank you again and here is to another 1,000 views, cheers.
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
Dark Astoria.

Seraph sat on a bench in the darken city, looking at his canteen and sighed, it had all started so simple, investigate a suicide in Peragin Island, but then he entered that run down apartment block... Then... A misty forest? Then falling and now he was here, in the palm of the death god Mot.

He ran his hand through his hair, he had tried to escape, but every time he had gotten close to the security gate to Talos, the darkness would swarm in and he would find himself blocks away, Mot was not willing to let it's latest plaything escape so easily.

What made it worse is he tried to help people he had found here, but that had failed, Kadabra Kill and his wife Sigil dead, he had to work with Arachnos and now to stop some cult of crazed assassin monster ladies, he was having to ally with Malta of all people. His only hope for help, a peacebringer he met on the edge of the city said she gets word to his family.

As he sat there, he felt a sharp pain in his head, a booming voice filling his mind.

"sO sWeEt yOuR DiSpAiR." Mot's voice roared in his skull. "aLl tHe bEtTeR fOr wHeN I fInAlY DeVoUr yOu."

Seraph fell from the bench, clutching his head as the booming voice echoed in what felt like his bones and he prayed that some one.... Any one, could help him as the dark god laughed.
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
Dark Astoria

Tish swore as she finally got past the security gate into the city, it took forever to get through what with all the magic bullshit... Seraph would understand it and that was why she was here.

Some peacebringer came to their house, telling them that Seraph was trapped, the whole family wanted to spring to help, but only Tish had the required clearance to enter Dark Astoria.

She hated coming here, something about the city always made her think of the past, the trailer park, the flames, she shuddered and pushed those thoughts away as she wrapped herself in flames to try and keep the chill out as she speed down the streets, eyes peeled.

What felt like hours past as she raced around, finding runic circles of protection, some of the people had seen Seraph.... But according to them he passed by weeks ago? But he had only been missing for days.... Was time working right here?

Eventually she headed into the graveyard, fog thick on the ground, gut churning, she slowly walked between headstones until she saw a figure, carefully approaching, the most parted enough to see Seraph, vacant eyes staring at a open grave.

She reached out and turned him to face her, worry filling her as she noticed fresh wrinkles around his eyes and a peppering of grey in his hair. "Seraph?" She asked, reaching up to stroke his cheek.

A light flicked on in his eyes as he gave a tried smile. "It's been so long." He whispered, pulling her into a hug. "I was worried my message wouldn't get to you... I missed you."

"Seraph... How do we get you out of here?" She asked. "The squid lady said you where stuck?"

He nodded sadly. "He pulled me here.... Mot..... And he won't let me go, not until he feeds. But I am following a lead, something that might weaken him, maybe... Oh no, not again." The mist started to thicken about them. "Tish, we need help, get any one you can find, help us."

As the mist grew thicker, Tish felt Seraph yanked out of her grip. "Seraph? SERAPH?" She cried out as the frog parted, showing her alone in the grave yard, his last words ringing in her mind. "Alright you Eldritch piece of shit, I am getting help.... And I am getting my husband back."
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
Dark Astoria.

Seraph stood in front of the Dream Doctor, in his hand the heavy mass of the God Slayer Blade, Seraph sighing. "So just me while you hold the line?"

The Dream Doctor smiles. "Oh no, your wife pulled some strings.... Just look."

*Imagine Dragon - Warriors*

Seraph blinked as the mist parted and out stepped Tish... Followed by Terrance Knight, his two girlfriends, Eve.... Half the Legendary was here.

"And that's not all." Dream Doctor continued.

Heroes and villains marched up, gold brickers, circle of thorns, Crey, vanguard, the shining stars.... Seraph was blown away as Tish came up and hugged him. "You asked for help? I got help." She smirked.

"Is... Is that lord Recluse?" He spluttered.

Lord Recluse tilted his head as he was acknowledged. "I am not here to help, I am just here to prevent this parasite from taking what is mine, nothing more." The tyrant spoke in a shockingly soft voice.

Tish lightly elbows Seraph. "He owes me." She whispered.

Seraph nodded dumbly, then turned towards the Dark Astoria graveyard, the final battle against Mot was here. Grasping the God Slayer Blade, he looked down at its dark edge. "If I was a better man, I make a speech... But all I got to say is it's all or nothing, so let's do this."

As one, they charged into the armies of Banished Pantheon minions, energy blasting back and forth between both sides, screams filling the air as Mot reached out with his powers, snatching combatants from both sides to fuel his assentation.

Seraph lead the spear head, himself, Tish, Lord Recluse, Lady Grey and the Honeree as they battled the towering ravages, the floating masks, shamans by the boat load, they needed to get to the head of the beast.
As they took down the last guardian outside Mot's maw, the Sentinel of Mot appeared, leaning down to look at Seraph with its multiple eyes. "Free me." It whispered.

Seraph rested a free hand on the Sentinels leg. "I will Marcus... And the world will know your tale."

The great beast nodded it's head as the darkness rose up, swallowing him... Next thing Seraph knew he was in the belly of the beast, Eldritch runes burning in the air.

"Oh this fucking stinks." Tish moaned as Seraph spun around.

"Okay, looks like only us made it.... We snub the runes... And then... I guess I use this?" He waves the God Slayer Blade.

"FoLiSh SeRaPh, yOu tHiNk I sO eSaIlY SlAiN? NoW yOu ArE WiThIn Me, I ShAlL DeVoUr YoU." Mot's infernal voice rung like a great bell, darkness rising up to surround Seraph, Tish raining fire down on the dark tendrils to no avail.

Seraph was pulled into the darkness, floating blindly as he looked around.... He can't of come so far for it to end like this?

In the darkness he saw a light, moving towards it he blinked in shock, it was Tielekku, the goddess of magic Mot devoured.

He moved up to her. "Hey... Um... Help? Please?"

The goddess gave him a tired look. "He is strong, far to strong to fight...."

Seraph blinked. "Bullshit."

The goddess looked shocked. "Excuse me?"

"You are the goddess of magic, you made magic! Mot is using magic! There has to be something you can do.... With all respect."

Tielekku gave a soft smirk. "Such a bold spirit... You are right, I can do something... But it will greatly weaken me.... Go forth, fight his avatar." She commanded as cracks of light formed in the darkness, next thing he knew, Seraph was back in the internals of Mot, Tish holding off hoards of Banished Pantheon.

"Do that to me again and I'm killing you." She screams out as the ground shudders and up raised the Embodiment of Mot.

"FoOlIsH GoDdEsS, YoU oNlY dElAy ThE EnEvItAbLe." The Embodiment roared.

Seraph glared up as it's multi eyes face. "Fuck you." He shouted, Tish's kinetic powers filling him with renewed strength as he fired off and energy blast at the beasts face, it letting out a roar as it pawed it's now mangled eyes.

Seraph and  Tish darted in and out around the Embodiment of Mot, whittling at its great might, avoiding the maws it summoned forth to try and devour them, the darkness it tried to ensnare with, eventually their duo was enough to drop it to its knees.

"iMpOsSiBlE! I aM a GoD!" It screamed as Seraph floated up, blade in hand, he reared back and stabbed down into Mot's face.... And suddenly, it was not just Seraph stabbing him... It was Tish... Terrance, Eve, Gir, Neph, Caroline... Hundreds, no thousands of people stabbing the god, an event that not just one hero, but all heroes did to seal this darkness.

With a soul wrenching scream, the Embodiment of Mot crumbled into dust, leaving Seraph and Tish alone with the goddess Tielekku, the goddess was pale, her face drawn. "You did it heroes.... Now let me take you from this place."

Seraph pulled Tish into a hug. "I would like that very much.... Then a vacation some where far away." He said as the goddess returned them to Dark Astoria and a cheering crowed.
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
King's Row
Seraph's house.

Seraph stood before Sera, a hand on her shoulder. "Are you sure you got this?"

The elf snorted and pulled her brother into a hug. "You are gone for two weeks, I can take care of all the pets and the house during that time."

"And the renter's?" He asked.

"Well they take care of them self mostly from what I have seen." She smirks and pats his cheek. "You need rest and relaxation after what you have been through, I have got everything under control, now enjoy your trip to Australia, okay?"

Seraph sighs. "Thank you... Are you sure?"

Sera put her hands on her hip. "I managed to raise a psionic daughter while on the run from a tyrant, this will be easy, now go before you miss your flight."

Seraph gave one last look over the house, before joining his family with their bags. "Okay, you have my mobile number if anything comes up-" he looked like he had more to say, but Tish kicked him slightly before they and the girls headed out.

Lief walked up to her mother. "We in-charge?" She asked looking up.

Sera knelt down and tapped her daughter's nose. "Yup yup, for two weeks this is our house."

Lief thinks. "Can I get a sister? Unca Seraph got a daughter out of no where."

Sera pulled a slight face. "We will think about it, okay?"


(An excuse to bring back more toons from Live? You know it!)
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
Gold coast, Australia.

Neph set up her laptop and booted up discord, smiling as she saw Katie was on. "Video chat?" She typed.

There was a delay before the reply. "Sure, is late and the girls are here, s'kay?"

Neph smirked and started the video call. "Hey Katie." She waves to the collection of heads staring back at her.

Katie blew a kiss and turned to the other seers. "Say hi girls." There was silence as Katie face palmed. "Use your voices, remember I have been over this a hundred times." There was another pause before a chorus of croaky hello's where heard. "So how is Australia?" She asked.

Neph lent back. "Pretty cool, been like a decade since I was here, but not much changed. Went to he beach.... Dad saw my tattoo and lost it till mum calmed him down. Dude bro hit on me, but Gir threw him I to the ocean... They got us yelled at." She laughs. "But Caroline.... God every animal she sees, she wants. Sees a possum, wants it. Sees a wombat, wants it. Sees a crocodile, wants it."

Katie tilts her head. "They have possums down there?"

"Same name, different animal, sort of small fluff ball, eats bugs and flowers.... Or jam treats, wait a sec." Neph did a quick image search and sent Katie a photo of a fat Possum in a bakery. "That's one, broke in and ate half the jam tarts."

Katie giggled. "That is much cuter than the over sized rat we have here."

"Might get you a plush of one... So how's things in Paragon."

"Oh the news is still a buzz about Dark Astoria, biggest joint operation between Paragon and the Isles since the Rikti War stared they say, but no one can agree on the hero or villain that stopped it."

Neph let out a sigh. "Dad will like that, he hates when the news gets in his business... Anything else?"

Katie slumped. "Still stopping the girls from making a hive mind, trying to get them to go outside, it's really hard mothering all of them, but Vanguard trusts me to do this, so I will.... Sucks that I couldn't go with you."

Neph nodded. "Well it's close to summer in Paragon, maybe we can visit the beaches in Talos?"

"I would like that a lot."

A seer poked her head into frame. "Is Gir there?"

Katie smiles. "This is Amanda, she made good friends with Gir and asks about her a lot... Is she there?"

Neph looked around. "Gir? Get your fat ass in here!"

Gir stomped in, still dressed in her swimsuit. "I am not fat, just... Well proportioned." She says, then sees Amanda on the screen. "Hi Manda, how are you." Gir shoving Neph to one side.

Neph grumped, but smiled as she heard Katie's laugh as Gir and Amanda chattered about... Ponies?

When they where finished, Neph shoved her sister back out of the way. "Nice seeing you Katie, be back in a week."

Katie blew another kiss. "Love you."

Neph blushed. "Love you too, later."

Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
[Image: bf32788e4eb5f706fa390924b3e5218e3c61d10e.pnj]

..... Yeah.
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
Atlas Park.

Sera was walking back to the tram station after filling some papers with Vanguard when she heard a scuffle from a near by alley, cautiously looking down, she saw a bunch of Hellions drag some girl into a building.... Now if she was in Praetoria, you would walk away from such things and leave it to the PPD, but she was in Paragon and legally a hero, so she snuck into the building to investigate.

Carefully climbing in a window, she crept out of an abandon bed room by the looks of it into a hall way, there was chanting coming from above, so she found some stairs, rather than risk them creaking under her, she quickly cast a fly spell and hovered up, moving closer to the chanting.

Looking around a door frame, she was treated by quite the sight, four Hellions standing around a ritual circle, in it was a succubus and some sort of fleshy sack while one of the Hellions held a girl bound and gagged. "So just to make sure." He spoke in a voice that was yet to fully break. "I give you blood, you give me a girlfriend?"

The succubus crossed her arms and sighed. "Yes, I have done this hundreds of times, the blood you offer will mix with my egg." She pats the sack. "And from it will be born my child, who will date you... Just be warned, they tend to come out a bit young."

The Hellions with the girl looked around. "How young?"

"Mid to late teens."

The Hellions fist pumped. "I'm sixteen, so this works." He hauled the bound girl up. "You know Susan, didn't have to be like this, if you just accepted me instead of getting a restraining order.... How much blood is needed?" He asked the succubus.

She rolled her eyes. "A few drops."

The Hellions drew a knife. "Welp, all or nothing."

Sera stepped into the room. "Yeah I'm going to stop this right here." She said and threw a psionic tornado into the room, sending the thugs flying into the wall. Walking up she grabbed the girl and removed her gag before unbinding her. "You okay?"

Susan rubbed her wrists. "Yeah, just another day in the great city of heroes." She muttered bitterly.

Sera couldn't help but laugh. "Right, run along and call the cops, I got clean up to do."

As Susan ran off, Sera turned to the succubus. "Now.... How do I get rid of you?"

The succubus examine her talons. "Oh, I stay till the deal is done sexy... You might want to-" There was the bang of a gun shot. "Duck... To late."

Sera staggered as her right arm flared in pain, spinning around she saw one of the Hellions had got to his feet, holding his gun unsteadily at her. "Interfering big eared bitch." He pulled the trigger again and Sera staggered back as pain bloomed in her gut as she staggered back, reaching out with her left hand, the shadows reached up and pulled the Hellions into the ground with bone cracking force.

The other Hellions where starting to stir and this was proving a litter harder than she thought, her bloody right hand grasped for something to lean on when she felt a fleshy something move under her grip.

"And the deal is struck." The succubus purred in her ear. "Enjoy mother hood."

Before Sera could react, there was a bang and a wall of fire threw her and the remaining Hellions into the apartment walls, as she slid down, darkness consuming her, she could just make out a figure at the centre of the summoning circle.


Atlas medical centre.

Sera opened her eyes to an unfamiliar roof and looked around, she was in a hospital bed... That was nice, she closed her eyes as her mind went through what happened before getting knocked out, there was the Hellions... The girl she saved... A succubus... A kid...
Her eyes slammed open as she sat up, momentarily whoozy from the sudden motion.

"Ah good you are awake, my name is officer Briar, I was wondering if you could answer some questions ma'am."

Sera focused on a short green haired cat girl in a police uniform standing at the foot of her bed.

The cat girl pulled out a note pad. "Now then miss Seraph was it? I have a few questions about the Hellions you broke up.... Quite literally in one case."

Sera nodded and sighed. "I may have gone overboard on one."

"Ma'am, that boy is currently in intensive care with a skeleton that resembles gravel, I know he is a villain, but try to hold back next time, especially on the younger ones."

Sera nodded as the officer asked her questions, explaining what she was doing in that part of town, the ritual she disrupted. "Speaking of... I think there is a demon girl out there that may or may not be related to me?"

Officer Briar sighed. "It was a girl friend from hell summoning, right?"

"I think so." The elf shrugged and then rubbed her shoulder where the bullet hit her, still feeling a twing of pain.

Briar makes a note. "I you are worried about what was summoned, she is currently in MAGI custody, when your doctor's give you a clear bill of health, I suggest visiting her.... She is probably as confused by this as you are, thank you for your time ma'am." With that officer Briar left.

Sera slumped back on the hospital bed.... She had another daughter? Well.... Lief wanted one... But like this? She dragged hand down her face, how would she explains this to Seraph when he came back from holiday?
Problems for later, she needed to get to MAGI and see this girl for herself.



Sera was lead by Auzla down past the holding cells where many magical artifacts and creatures where held. "She has been a charm to deal with compared to what we normally have locked up in here." The mage explained. "No fuss when we gave her clothes or a meal, but the poor girl looks a little out of it.... But seeing she was originally meant to be some gangers pleasure thing, you can excuse that."

Sera nodded as they reached a cell, in side was girl that looked to be in her mind teens, a mix of red and white hair covered her head while she had large freckle like spots on her face. Tiny wings sprouted from the her back and a long demons tail was wrapped around her waist.

As Sera approached, she stood up and walked over to the door and waved. "Hi... Um.... Mom? Sorry I'm not sure this is how it normally goes." The demon girl said.

Sera sighed and rubbed her forehead before turning to Azula. "She is free to go?"

The mage nodded. "We did all the normal arcane scans, she is a healthy teen with no lingering connections to the Hellions, your daughter is freed to your custody." She opened the cell and the demon girl stepped out.

Sera looked her up and down. "First, name. Second, some real damn clothes, third.... We meet your sister."

The demon girls eyes widen. "I have a sister?" She asked excitedly.

Sera nods. "A whole family... But we will get to that in a moment.... Alica."

The demon girl tilted her head. "Is that my name?"

"Well I always thought if I have a second girl, I would call her that, so yes."

Alica smiles and hugs Sera. "Thanks mom."

Sera awkwardly hugged her back. "Now let's get out of here."
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
Forgot a bit
King's Row
Seraph's House.

Lief was playing with her teddies when she heard the door open, getting up she ran over. "Mamma's home....." She came to a sudden halt, there was a girl with momma. "Who this?" She asked.

Sera knelt down. "Well remember how you wanted a sister? Well this is Alica, your sister"

Life looks up. "I wanted baby sister." She pouted.

Alicia knelt down. "Well, I am like... Three? Four hours old, so legally a baby."

Lief thinks about this. "I am big sister then."

Alica frowns. "But... I'm like twice your height."

Lief nods. "But you are baby, so I am big sister."

Sera chuckled. "Okay then, now we have that very important fact settled, I need to prep your room, then take you clothes shopping."

Alica looked at her clothes. "What's wrong with this."

Sera sighed. "One, you look like you just came from the Zig and two, you need changes of clothes."

Lief nods. "Otherwise you smell like uncle Seraph."

Alicia blinks. "I have an uncle?"

Sera nods. "An uncle, his Praetorian counterpart, an aunt, and... Four... Maybe five cousins? I think Gir adopted that Oni girl... But yeah, there is more to our family than just us two."

Alicia looked in awe. "Can I meet them?"

"Sadly they are currently on vacation in Australia, but when they come back, yes."
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
spotted a typo:
Quote:Carefully climbing in a window, she crept out of an abandon bed room by the looks of it into a hall way, there was changing coming from above, so she found some stairs, rather than risk them creaking under her, she quickly cast a fly spell and hovered up, moving closer to the chanting.
I suspect you meant 'chanting' there.

Seraph's family grows quickly, but not in conventional ways. Big Grin
RE: The new Seraph's
(06-02-2024, 08:42 AM)Norgarth Wrote: spotted a typo:
Quote:Carefully climbing in a window, she crept out of an abandon bed room by the looks of it into a hall way, there was changing coming from above, so she found some stairs, rather than risk them creaking under her, she quickly cast a fly spell and hovered up, moving closer to the chanting.
I suspect you meant 'chanting' there.

Seraph's family grows quickly, but not in conventional ways. Big Grin

Fixed and yeah... but I think I am done from now, brought back all the Seraphs from live.... well all but one, but she can stay retired.
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
Some times it takes days to think up these snippets..... other times they come fully formed as I nap XD

Steel Canyon.
Paragon City mall.

Alicia sighed. "What are we doing here mom?"

Sera looked at her taller daughter and put a pencil case in her shopping trolley. "My darling daughter, we are getting you school supplies." Lief was filling along, looking at all the strange things that teens needed for school.

"But why? I have a pretty good starter set of info from absentee mom." She whined.

Sera shook her head. "You will not be like your cousin Gir, sitting on a couch stuffing your face and watching TV while living under my roof young lady, you will be properly educated in the ways of this world."

Lief looks up. "Sides, school is fun! All my friends are there baby sis."

AlicIa slumped. "I am regretting letting you call me that."

Sera hugged her fiendish daughter. "Come on, it will be fun, you can meet people around your apparent age, maybe find teen love.... Ah, I remember my high school days." She says fondly.

"Isn't it a bit early for me to find love?"

Sera laughed. "I'm not asking for grand kids, just put your feet out, I bet plenty of people will want to be your friend.... That said we need a uniform for the Coratoin high."

"More clothes?"

"Yes, this is a nice school with a dress code which you will follow young lady."

Lief grinned. "My uniform makes me feel pretty."

Sera patted her head. "Because you are pretty darling, let no one say other wise.... Now Alicia, try not to fight me on this... I am a Seraph and we are very stubborn."

Alicia wrinkled her face. "Then as a Seraph, shouldn't I be just as stubborn against this?"

Sera looked at her. "Yes, but I am older and better at it." She said as they moved into another aisle, Sera referring to a print off. "Sports wear...."

Alicia gagged. "I have to do sports? But I get my work out doing hero stuff!"

"Sorry kiddo, sports is on the list."

Alicia moaned and buried her head in her hands. "This is hell."

Lief hugs her sisters leg. "You came from there."

The demon girl couldn't help but laugh at Lief's attempt to cheer her up.
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's


Neph set up the laptop and pressed the call button. "Hey Katie, sup?" She asked.

The seer waved. "Oh had some fun, one of my girls is cleared to move out, she will be working at Vanguard as a translator for the Rikti, so we are having a party for her. You?"

Neph relaxed and smiled. "Met up with the grandparents, it was nice to see ma and pa after so long and they where excited to get more grand kids, which by the way. According to dad my aunt magic up another daughter, so I have two cousins now."

Katie's brow wrinkled. "How do you magic up a kid?"

"Oh right, magic was sort of a non thing in most of Praetoria. Well apparently Aunt Sera interrupted a demon summoning and a side effect is she got a daughter."

Katie rubbed her head. "This is why I hate magic, no rules, to chaotic..... Anything else?"

"We went to the Melbourne zoo.... And Caroline made a shopping list of animals she wants when we get back home.... Dad argued with her that some where not viable, like where would we even keep a wombat or an emu?"

Katie laughed. "And your other sister?"

"Which one? Gir or Aura?"

"Who is Aura?"

Neph sighed. "She is an oni that Gir adopted into the family."

"Oh, we will go with Gir first."

"Yeah she is going okay, got yelled at for trying to fly into some of the animal enclosures for better photos. As for Aura, she seems pretty chill, this trip has relaxed her... But she seems anxious about going back to Paragon.... Something to do with her mother?"

Katie nods. "Mothers can be.... Tricky."

Silence fell between them as Neph remembered, her and Katie where forced to put down the young seerers mother, the taint of Tilman ran to deep in her.

Neph coughed. "But hey, should be back in Paragon by this weekend, so maybe we should do something?"

Katie's face brightened. "Like a date? I would love that."

Neph blushed. "We can talk it over when I'm back state side, love you."

Katie blew a kiss before hanging up, Neph ru Ning a hand down her face.... She was going to have to ask her dad what you do on a date, he went on them with mum all the time, right?

She had the feeling this would be awkward.
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
King's Row
Seraph's House.

Seraph pulled his sister into a hug. "Missed us?" He asked as the rest of the family shuffled in, feeling slightly jet lagged.

Sera kisses his cheek. "Oh it was so quiet, no banging away in your work shop, no girls fighting, like the grave."

He chuckles. "Speaking of girls, I do believe there is someone I have to meet, right?"

The elf steps back. "Alicia? Come here?" She calls.

There was grumbling before the half fiend girl made her appearance, dressed in an over sized shirt and ratty jeans. Sera tuted. "Where are those nice clothes I bought you?"

Alicia shrugged. "This is comfy... Oh.... Hi other people." She waved nervously.

Before Seraph could say a world, Caroline barrelled past him and pulled Alicia into a bear hug, the teens jet lag forgotten at the prospect of new family. "Hi! I'm you cousin Caroline and you look super cool? Are the tail and wings real? Are those runes on your arm?" The red head asked a million miles a minute.

Alicia worked her jaw wordlessly, looking to Sera for help.

The elf pealed Caroline off Alicia. "Now now, don't overwhelm the girl.... Don't you want to check on your animals?"

Caroline's eyes go wide as she runs off again, Seraph sighing and wondering what his daughter ate to have such energy. Shaking his head, he offered his hand to Alicia. "That is one of your cousin's, we'll introduce the others after they had a rest... Welcome to the family."

Alicia took his hand and shook it. "Thanks for having me.... Not weird having a teen that is like... Two weeks old?"

He laughs. "You will fit in with Gir, she looks mid twenties, but is only a few months old."

Lief comes in and hugs Seraph's leg. "Unca back." She smiles up at him and points at Alicia. "She my baby sister!"

Seraph raised an eyebrow as Alicia sighed. "We agreed on it... But I am starting to regret it."

He nods. "Stranger things have happened, but again, welcome to the family."
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
King's Row

Seraph's House.

There was an inrush of air as Katie teleported onto the roof of Seraph's house in a simple black bikini. "Neph, I'm ready for... The... Pool.... Party?" She looks down to see Neph, dressed in cargo shorts, a bikini top and unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt is a large kiddy pool.

Neph adjusts her glasses. "Yo, glad you could make it."

Katie knelt down. "You invited me too a pool.... I did not expect this."

Neph laughs. "Katie, my arms and legs are made of metal and synthetic muscles, I am as buoyant as a rock.... Besides, this is snugger, can fit two adults in this bad boy." She gently splashes.

The seer looks around. "So... Where do I sit?"

"Well my lap is available." Neph smirks.

Katie blushed and climbs on to her. "Like this?"

The cyborg nods and reaches over to a near by ice box. "Soda? I got coke and Dr Pepper."

"I never had soda before... Um, I'll try the coke."

Neph nods and uses her thumb to pop he cap off, Katie taking the bottle and sipping before pulling a face. "I can feel it on my teeth."

"Yeah that would be the corn syrup, takes some getting used to."

Katie politely puts the bottle to one side and leans into Neph. "So what brought this on?" She asks softly, playing with her hair.
Neph half closed her eyes and chuckled. "Well the war walls mess with the weather, so it's rare to get a nice day like this.... And I enjoyed lazing on the beaches in Australia, so I thought why not?"

Katie smiles and nuzzles up to Neph... When she hears claws on the roof top. "What the-"

She was cut off as Spike the bulldog launched himself into the pool, splashing them both. Katie let out a screem and with a pop, teleported out.

"Katie?" Neph asked, reaching over to grab her dog.


Seraph sighed. "I don't know Tish... What if I peeked?"

Tish smirked. "Seraph, you have barely tapped the power of the incarnates, you have not "peeked". Hell, look at Terr, he is still working on improving himself and he has had this power for years."

Seraph was about to reply when there was an inrush of air and Katie teleported above the kitchen table, dropping down and rolling off onto the floor.

"I'm okay.... Er... Which way to the roof?" The seer asks, blushing hard.

Seraph pointed to the stairs and Katie headed off, apologizing as she went.

Tish laughed. "Just another day in the lovely Seraph house."
Neph: I wanna fight!

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