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Has anyone considered the possibility of casting L Lawliet (from Death Note) instead of Jet Li in The One? Nothing much more to go on than the naming scheme, but crossovers have been based on shakier connections...
- CD, on second thought, perhaps that Should Not Be...
Ooh, this is a good one though, if fairly obvious - El-Hazard/Nanoha - perhaps at the end of MSLN s1 Alicia and Precia pop out of the Eye of God's portal right around the time Ifurita jumps in - it's where they were trying to go in the first place, after all. Now the only problem is that the super-advanced magitech civilization Precia wanted to have cure her 'real' daughter (as she thinks of it) is just as long gone as Mid-Childa beleives, and while there's plenty of relics floating around the vast majority either have nothing to to with healing or are litle more than oddly-shaped, powerless chunks of modern art, in many cases hard to tell if they're even complete or just part of some larger, lost device; she probably knows more about how such things work in the first place herself than anyone living there.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
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Mm. Would she be able to work with Makoto in a mutually beneficial manner to get what both want, or would she just be too insane to cooperate even for her own benefit?
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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ClassicDrogn Wrote:Ooh, this is a good one though, if fairly obvious - El-Hazard/Nanoha - perhaps at the end of MSLN s1 Alicia and Precia pop out of the Eye of God's portal right around the time Ifurita jumps in - it's where they were trying to go in the first place, after all. Now the only problem is that the super-advanced magitech civilization Precia wanted to have cure her 'real' daughter (as she thinks of it) is just as long gone as Mid-Childa beleives, and while there's plenty of relics floating around the vast majority either have nothing to to with healing or are litle more than oddly-shaped, powerless chunks of modern art, in many cases hard to tell if they're even complete or just part of some larger, lost device; she probably knows more about how such things work in the first place herself than anyone living there. I remember suggesting something similar a while back, actually, and we ended up hashing a bit of stuff around. *Goes and looks* Yeah, it started at post # 73 in this thread. Anyway, didn't the Eye of God's portal also drop Ifurita 10,000 years in the past as well as throwing her to Earth? I seem to recall that Ifurita waited for a long time in that underground room before it was found. Though, if Precia detects the dimensional distortion from Ifurita sending everyone to El-Hazard, she might be able to get there in time to see Makoto open the portal to pick up Ifurita.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
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Ah? Neat! I'll go check it out. I've been spending my time with high connectivity mostly downloading anime and fic to watch/read when I leave; since I won't be able to keep up with the MB again anyway reading more than a page or two back in the long threads hasn't ben on the list.
- CD
ETA: Good stuff! Hmm, can't find a spinoff thread like what was suggested, did that not happen?
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
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No, though we could still make one if anyone wants to. I would like to see if we could pull something workable together out of this.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
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I'd love to try, but I'm going to be offline again for all practical purposes after tonight. Though I do have the EH OVAs and a copy of Nanoha and A's burned (mostly) before they were licensed, so I can rewatch and see what pops out. There's a lot of awesome hiding in this plan, I'd be excited to be a part of it, but my fu is weak; if I write a paragraph a day (on average, it's more like a scene every couple of weeks usually) it's a major accomplishment.
CD, goes off to hit the Goth Rock playlist
ETA: Tat doesn't mean the rest of you can't go for it, but REALLY at this point it should go in a new thread rather than hijack this one a second time!
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
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To be completely honest, its mostly the same with me.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
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Scenes that Must Be
01-05-2011, 08:32 PM
First: Emiya Shirou face-to-face with Zeruel. "I am the bone of my sword....". I have NO IDEA how this could plausibly be made to happen, but boy I'd pay to see it!
Second: In his first Evangelion deployment, Shinji Ikari takes off his glasses... and sees all the bloody red "fault lines" that mark the vulnerable points of everything around him, including the Angel....
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What was that? In his first Evangelion deployment, Ryouga Hibiki sees all the fault lines that mark vulnerable points in everything around him, including the Angel?
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
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SkyeFire Wrote:First: Emiya Shirou face-to-face with Zeruel. "I am the bone of my sword....". I have NO IDEA how this could plausibly be made to happen, but boy I'd pay to see it! How many Lancea Longini could he Trace anyway...
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Epsilon Wrote:SkyeFire Wrote:First: Emiya Shirou face-to-face with Zeruel. "I am the bone of my sword....". I have NO IDEA how this could plausibly be made to happen, but boy I'd pay to see it! How many Lancea Longini could he Trace anyway...
Epsilon Probably none, as it would probably fall in the same category as Gilgamesh's drill sword, which cannot be traced as it is made of materials that are not from this world. Shirou might be able to trace the copy-Lances that SEELE made though, and that's almost as good, right?
On a semi-related note, could Gilgamesh be a Spiral Warrior?
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
Quote:How many Lancea Longini could he Trace anyway...
Any and all of them (provided he has bothered staring at the moon recently)... more importantly, if Shiro uses his reality marble... I'm pretty sure that Zeruel is eaten. The logic behind this is that minus Excalibur (via raw authority (SEELE accidently did something useful with the cover up thing here, not even the spell checker knows of Zeruel)), the auto.your-hit because I targeted you weapons like the sword in the stone and Lancer's spear, and a few really annoying other effects (3 miracles for me sword)... nothing can effect Zeruel enough for it to pay any attention to a non Eva'd Shiro. At all. So now we can guess Shiro'd basically have to using UBW to get Zeruel to stop and bother with him.
I'm taking this as Shiro has heard of 'Angels', and them not of him. Remember Zeruel pops out of freaking nowehere and just blasts into the geofront and NERV proper. I imagine this as involving Zeruel thinking along the lines of '"Sneaky stumps... Creaky stumps.... Ninja stumps" or the fan theory that he was mistaken for an escapes parade balloon. I'm also declaring this confritation takes place away from Tokyo 3 and NERV never finds out. Meaning NERV, SEELE, and possibly Tabris are still waiting for Zeruel to fulfil the procsey... and Eva developes into a sitcom featuring board, paraniod people in a paramilitary complex.
So now its a matter of defining UBW. Well its a reality marble. With means its basically Shiro's soul extenallizing and popping up before physics and abruptly hitting him with a Johny Cage Nut cracker sweet... the doing an upper cut stage fatalily into the spike pit... at that point its All Shiro Physics all the time until Shiro stops doing that or runs out of power. At which point Physics runs up the stairs and takes over as if that didn't actually happen.
Zeruel's powers are AT Field based. AT field's alter reality on a localized level (relative to scale). The closest thing to a reality marble is Matriel(?) the spidery thing that cries acid... its reality marble nuetralizes electronics in the AOE. Useless versus mages... but screwsmundane people up royaly in modernish times. Zeruel's powers are: 1) crazy good armor, with at least one movable plate. 2) gianormous cross shaped energy attacks, and 3) retractable vorpal tentacles. Zeruel, Wrath of God, fails to bother with this forcefield nonsense. In other words, it lacks the ability to warp reality on an external area... which means UBW physics apply to everything around Zeruel, minus Zeruel. Zeruel mocks your Nancy Boy reality altertion abilities... that never worked before. Pity about not planning its armor around having its parts torn off.
Anyway, so Zeruel is going to end up enveloped in the altered physics of UBW. In other words, Zeruel is no longer on Earth... Zeruel gets confused and then random cutlery rains from the sky. Zeruel blinks then the cutlery attacks Zeruel... some of which is shiney Having no idea what the hell is going on or where mighy Zeruel is.. Zeruel decides Zeruel managed to get lost. So Zeruel boggles. Zeruel can't read... not that Zeruel has a map anyway. Zeruel spent those Zeruel making points on more armor.
Then Shiro, realizing his attacks are basically futile... so he lets it rain normal cutlery as a distraction and procedes to make called shots on important organs (eyes and brains are not even blinding it slightly)... Sword in the stones its heart and it freaks out. So what would a hoard of Lancer's speal going heart auto hit do?
Zereal gets poked in the core for 1 point of damage repeatedly... Invisible something is poking Zeruel and damaging Zeruel... for taunting damage (Zeruel can't see anything smaller than a two story building... it spent those points on more eye beam dakka blast radius)... Zeruel can feel something that is blocking out the feel of ADAM. Something invisible... something powerful... something with an equally invisible poking stick... cruel invisible strong thing. So Zeruel flails vorpal limbs at 50 feet up and higher around it... that must be a long poking stick as Zeruel can't hit whatever is poking it from above... Eye beam dakka spam attack!!!
The thing attacks the air violently ripping up the sky and generating great winds... then spins around blasting everything starting a few hundred feet into oblivan and generally destroy everything availavle to bits except Shiro... who not being stupid is running around behind it. After it pauses Shiro takes more pot shots.
Realizing the poking thing... which started poking everything again after Zeruel destroyed everything on this wrong planent... one with no ADAM at all. The invisible something is poking it... and its not within poking range... yet it is Still poking Zeruel. a few flais confirms it is not on Zeruel's mighty back. Zeruel regrets giving up Zeruel's neck for more currently useless dakka range and steadier dakka firing. That leaves only the terrible option... its is poking Zeruel from inside Zeruel's armor!!! Zeruel must get invisible poking thing... and Zeruel isn't stupid... Zeruel know how!
Shiro boggles at the ginormous thing attacks itself shreading the armor around the giant red thing he has been shooting at up to this point. Then flails against the red thing... Shiro continues pelt at it as this is the only thing that has actually remotely worked at this point,it pauses Shiro gets the distinct idea its going to attack the red thing itself and the tentacles rear back, thrust towards the red thing all at once and stop slightly before hitting.
Zeruel is about to tear through Zeruel's core... as that is the only place the poking that ignores Mighty Zeruel's Mighty armor can logically be at this point. Zeruel may have traded most of Zeruel's thinkiness for enough strength to carry all its armor... but Zeruel isn't that stupid... or maybe it was optimising its core for enough dakka to obliterates the enemy's armored floor plates (thanks for the research Ramiel!) in one shot involved removing the self explody ability. So if Zeruel is nowhere on place Zeruel suppose to be and Zeruel has no idea where Zeruel is... but if Zeruel knows one thing its that might makes right! What ever poking, invisible thing in the sky took Zeruel... enemy actually has a word for that that God thing that made ADAM and LILITH... That thing is what Zeruel is the Wrath of. Woopsie... sorry about that God. Zeruel submits to great all powerful poking thing in the sky. Stupid misleading ADAM... no Adam.
The ginormous thing stops its war on itself and scenery... admits defeat and fuses with its Shiro. Though not needing to explosively combine as Zeruel is already in Shiro's soul and damaged enough to need no further help. Shiro has a breif arguement with Zeruel over a name for their MIGHTY self and Zeruel is the admitted lesser in the relationship gets Zeruel's ideas of Zero and Shireul (Zeruel can't sing and that is such and idol singer's name). Shiro gets a middle name, Zeruel a happy home. UBW's with Kaiju inside.
Saber and Rin are not as impressed with Shiro's new god like powers or pet... Shiro is an hour later and didn't bring home any food. BAD! BAd Shiro of the no food bringing.
Also after Shiro makes a comment about how this mmust be how the Angel of Death preps food for Integra... an internal conversation later Shiro means with Rei (on a plablisy tour for NERV (need funding and SEELE can't cause the APOC until Zeruel bothers to attack)) and Gendo is utterly baffled why Rei 3 has decided her new purpose in life is to become a Butler.
Crude but the idea is there.
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What Precia would want to do with the Eye of God is rip history a new one by snatching Alicia out of time seconds before the blast wave hit...
"That cow's tasted human blood!"
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Doug meets Deadpool. Full Stop.
(My ipod's autocorrect tried to turn 'meets' into 'merges'. Now that is a crossover that should not be.)
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
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Mmm... interesting.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Jorlem Wrote:Doug meets Deadpool. Full Stop. I could just hear Zeke if this were ever to happen in his presence: "Well friends, three guesses as to who's ultimately behind this, and the first two don't count."
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This isn't the best pic I could imagine, but I think it illustrates the idea well enough.
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I am unfamiliar with the emblem inside the lantern. Explanation please?
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Something like this, perhaps?
![[Image: MotivationalGurrenLantern.jpg]](
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
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Sure, but with more Ganmen, less verse, and more explosions.
MANY more explosions.
The point of my illustration was, essentially, another answer to the question "What, exactly, is INSIDE the Lanterns, anyway?"
My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.
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Not really sure how to classify this:
Professor Layton/A Series of Unfortunate Events
They just seem to fit, somehow.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
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Quote:"What, exactly, is INSIDE the Lanterns, anyway?"
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
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A chewy Tootsie-Roll center.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Delicious cake.
Of course, you have do some tests first...
My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.
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Bob Schroeck Wrote:A chewy Tootsie-Roll center. "Mr. Sinestro, how many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie-Roll center of a Green Lantern?"
"Let's find out. One, a-Two, a-Three...." ZAAARRRRRRKK. "Three."
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."