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Thing is though, Caster knows about her 'squishyness' too. She's not like the knights (Belkan or Servants), who like to attack head on. I haven't gotten to this point in the game yet, but in the anime, she had teleportation magic, mind control/possession, and some serious illusions, among others. If she's not the first Servant the Wolkenritter attack, she'll probably hole up in that underground temple of hers. And once the Wolkenritter find where that is, well, are you up for a good, old fashioned dungeon crawl? Also, what would Rule Breaker do to one of the Wolkenritter, anyway?
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
SCM Writer of 2814
Hmm, good question. Her stats page Rule Breaker destroys magical concepts, so where does that put the WR?
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Takamachi Nanoha of 2814- Green Lantern Nanoha. To START! Now with a TvTropes page!
FATE/Holy Grail War of 2814- The Fifth Holy Grail War with Magical Girl Prisma Illya, in the DCAU, from the above story.
Magical Girl Magistra Erebea Molly- the world's first Dresden Files/TvTropes Crossover.
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It might be able to break their link to the Book of Darkness, or to Hayate, given what it was able to do to Saber.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
SCM Writer of 2814
Hmm, that's going to be tough. How about some teasers, eh?
Quote:“Hah! As if you’re pretty or experienced enough to service Negi-dono!” Rin snapped at her rival.
“Oh, and you are, with those shrunken little things?” Luvia shot back. “I, unlike you, have TALENT!”
Somewhere, Kino Makoto sneezed.
Lancer leaned to Archer as Rin froze. “This isn’t the time I know, so I have to ask: is insulting a woman’s breasts still a killing offense among them?”
“Yes,” Archer said. “Yes, it is.”
“Crap. And I was just enjoying breakfast, too.”
“Why you…!” Rin growled, lunging at Luvia.
Irisviel squirted syrup on them. They paused, blinking at her. “Now now, if you two are going to fight and start tearing each other’s clothes apart before suddenly melting into a frenzy of lesbian sex, you need to be thorough. And since we don’t have jello…”
“And this, son, is why I married your mother,” Kiritsugu informed Shiro sagely as the two of them developed nosebleeds.
Check out said crack:
Takamachi Nanoha of 2814- Green Lantern Nanoha. To START! Now with a TvTropes page!
FATE/Holy Grail War of 2814- The Fifth Holy Grail War with Magical Girl Prisma Illya, in the DCAU, from the above story.
Magical Girl Magistra Erebea Molly- the world's first Dresden Files/TvTropes Crossover.
VENGEANCE! The Musical! The Story of Uchiha Sasuke
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I'm sure there'd be a need for *something* to get blown up still. (If I thought about it enough, I could probably justify it being a more *difficult* fight even...)
And time travellers ought to be able to try and accomplish two goals at once... At least, if they're using a method of time travel that isn't a total pain in the ass.
SCM Writer of 2814
On a completely random and silly side-note, I ran Fate's Name, Age and Colors, AND NOTHING ELSE through the Maid RPG Character Generator and this is what I got on the first try:
| [/table] Quote:[table]Athletics: | 3 | Affection: | 2 | Skill: | 4 | Cunning: | 3 | Luck: | 2 | Will: | 2 | Uniform Color: | yellow | Hair Color: | yellow | Eye Color: | red | Maid Types: | Cool, Sexy | Special Qualities: | Mentor, Neat Freak, Brown Skin, Otaku, Easygoing | Favored Attribute: | Skill | Maid Power: | 4-D Dress | Maid Roots: | Business | Maid Weapon: | Spear/Lance | Stress Explosion: | Teasing | [/table]Your
name is Fate Testarossa. You are 11 years old. You have red eyes and
yellow hair, and wear a yellow uniform. You are cool and sexy; others
describe you as unflappable, coquettish and curvy.
You look up
to one of the other characters as your mentor. You are obsessed with
cleanliness, and can't let the tiniest bit of dirt go unnoticed. Your
skin is a beautiful, deep brown color. You have a tireless obsession
with a very specific area of interest; you pursue this interest with
little regard for common sense. You are easygoing, taking things slowly
and calmly, at your own pace.
You are a maid because you need
the money, and that's about it. In combat, you wield a spear, javelin
or the like. When you are extremely upset, you start persistently
tormeting the other maids. Due to your notable Skill, you have the
ability 4-D Dress; You can produce anything in the mansion from within
your maid uniform.
Very Fate-like, huh?
Check out said crack:
Takamachi Nanoha of 2814- Green Lantern Nanoha. To START! Now with a TvTropes page!
FATE/Holy Grail War of 2814- The Fifth Holy Grail War with Magical Girl Prisma Illya, in the DCAU, from the above story.
Magical Girl Magistra Erebea Molly- the world's first Dresden Files/TvTropes Crossover.
VENGEANCE! The Musical! The Story of Uchiha Sasuke
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DAAAAAA~aaaaaannnnnnngggg. Except for the brown skin part, just about dead-on!
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Looking at the wiki page for Rule Breaker, it says
Quote:Its unique ability is that it is the ultimate anti-magic Noble Phantasm capable of dispelling and destroying any kind of thaumaturgy. Once it comes into contact with the ensorcelled item or person, enchantments, connections bounded through contracts, and creatures created and maintained by prana will all be returned to their original components in a state "before they were made." It is a blade of betrayal that will sever all connections between a Master and Servant by destroying every single rule that controls them, giving full control of the Master's Command Spells to Caster.
Depending on how you define what the WR are, it might be able to sever their bond with Hayate, hijack their bond from the Book of Darkness to Caster, or dispel them completely.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
Quote:... That doesn't make sense.
Your right, but for the wrong reason... I meant that while draining Eva's core the BoD absorbed a chunk on the bindings on Eva, into itself. Which would nerf the Book like Eva once the power came on... though it would raise the school's electric bill like mad. Asuna has nothing to do with that part. Also, I didn't realize that they needed so many pages to reach the 1000 threshhold (I think that was the critical end point) 400 to use (comment in story) and 200 and 50 or 60 odd from this run. Eh... still drain Eva like that has to do something weird to her suppressor.
--ERROR-- In FSN sidestory 3 they mention the hotness of Negi turing into lightning. He can't do that until just before the fight with Rakan... who is not on this plane of existance... but everyone keeps talking about things (like Asuna) as if they hadn't actually gone to the magical world yet. Maybe I just need to reread cause I forgot something.
I thought they'd get the guns from the same place as the scoreboards. Just because they aren't the same guns does invalidate the concept. There aren't really that many people awake anyway. More of a help clean up the mess and leave the school with the bill thing. Remember school policy is you only get prizes if you survive the event intact.
From what I know of FSN when you summon the Servant you get them at the moment they are most uber... so barring mind screw you would get Doom's Day Asuna if you summoned her... or a future version of her with even more abilities... however the Sword/fan is a pacto things and a result of her soul and Negi's. So she wouldn't actually get that item unless a virtual clone, in spirit, of Negi did it. One who to summon her would be very, very Asuna like at the same time. In fact, you might end up also summoning Chamo and having him go of a pactio spree. Though being FSN she might show up with it, or a beter know item from the future. Okay, now I just want to see someone summon Chamo and he goes on a pactio spree. Therefore earning enough ermine cash to arm his summoner to the teeth.
Evangeline isn't a hero to be summoned remember... she the monster of legend. One that those heros of legend goes to for the training that sucks... she is the thing the end boss is pretending doesn't exist. Zero is basically her Knight's captain of her personal guard. Now that people aren't constantly trying to kill her Zero is sitting around bored and paralysed. ChaChaMaru is her peace time replacement... The largest reason Zero doesn't actually show up in sentences about how scary Eva is is that no one managed to get away. At least no one will to admit they lost that many guys to something adorable and knee height. Which means you can have the reason they get only 200 pages from Eva is that they are rapidly running out of fodder to throw at Zero. Sure spawning more worked for a while but its getting way to close for their tastes. I'm half expecting Eva to be constantly making perverse sounding commentary the whole time and stand up as if nothing had happened... complaining about how she wasn't done yet.
From what I know of summoning most of the time it IS a spirit in a construct body. Which is why summons tend not to die when you kill them (except on their home plane of existance). In fact, the reason they have all those giant demons sealed in the basement for Chao to borg and attack with is so they can't constantly be resummoned. Summons are a fact of Negima mage combat and Asuna is crazy geared towards obliterating the things. They actually have chapters of Negima with summon hoards crying fowl over the fan. Your putting her against her natural prey.
One of the reasons I think Revi from Black Lagoon is dangerous is to me she is a level 16ish ranger with all favored enemy slots on human... and humans are pretty much all she has to fight. Add in she managed to find a weapon (twin pistols) that mean she didn't have have to choose between duel weilding or ranged weapons as a feat set... which is technically not feasible in 3rd/3.5 edition... but as rangers still needed beefing up anyway. Anyway same thing here.
Anyway, some servants can actually go spirit. Saber being Saber and not being able to do that would probably not be effected as much... the Vita and Co (easy to spell names are easy) are summons... however their bodies are constructs like the Sevant youma. Which I already said are not unsummonable. Which is why I said that Vita's hammer would get offed only after an extended battle when she tries the smoosh with unstopable force Asuna and her weapon. It'd be a cumulative effect thing... like a disrupting weapon finally having the epic level undead roll a one on its save, in round 65. Against the Knights themselves probably be a bane weapon. Okay the one shotting the WKK is a bit ambitious... Reinforce would likely just resummon it at less HP (while Asuna was out of the fight from pain feedback... or Reinforce could just explode which would mean twitch at 1 hp or dark fic really.)
Your putting Asuna again what she is most geared towards fighting. Its like sending Shiro to exhibit displaying Lost Logia and legendary weapons during an assassination attempt and wondering what went wrong with your cunning plan. Actually that is destined to effectively happen anyway. Moving on.
Um... won't link core draining Servants disperse them? Last I checked they were kind of mana/prana dependant at the very least should be bed ridden from a total drain. Come to think of it... won't they run into somekind issue with Shiro... I mean he botched his training so badly he came around the other side into win. I'm half expecting him to teach them what the error message for 404 link core not found is like... I mean his dad is going to be on the receiving end of much not happy once his mom figures out just how botched his training ended up.
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Minor note: the Book of Darkness has 666 pages total, not 1000.
Edit: Thanks to these fics, I've started reading Prisma Illiya, and I came across this.
Lyrical Radical Genocide? Bwah? You... are going to reference this, right SCM? Or did you already, and I missed it?
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
SCM Writer of 2814
The story actually happens after the magical world arc, at the hypothetical end of the series. As for Asuna being a WR-bane... well, I'm saying she's not for some simple reasons:
One, during one arc, Asuna kicked a demon in the face. This demon explicitly mentioned he was summoned, but he was not unsummoned by Asuna's kick. Hence, it's an effect of her Artifact, which is a sword, which the WR would not in their right of mind allow to touch them if they could help it.
Second, her summoning disruption seems to send the summon back to where they came from, but we've also only seen it used on low-level beings. Perhaps more powerful beings have are harder to send back?
Third, her effect on constructs (native people of Mundus Magicus being the best example, and are likely to be close analogues of the WR) seems only to erase when weaponized by an outside source. She was being used as a focus in the flashbacks that had her erasing things like crazy, not doing the erasing herself.
Fourth, the WR can enter anti-magic fields and not get erased. In fact, the whole Belkan style was made to counter anti-magic fields and effects.
Fifth, letting Asuna do that would be a boring story, and as a writer, I can't let that happen. Wouldn't a big fight be more fun?
Also, Jorlem, the link isn't working.
Check out said crack:
Takamachi Nanoha of 2814- Green Lantern Nanoha. To START! Now with a TvTropes page!
FATE/Holy Grail War of 2814- The Fifth Holy Grail War with Magical Girl Prisma Illya, in the DCAU, from the above story.
Magical Girl Magistra Erebea Molly- the world's first Dresden Files/TvTropes Crossover.
VENGEANCE! The Musical! The Story of Uchiha Sasuke
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Ok, Let me try again. Link.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
SCM Writer of 2814
FINALLY FINISHED THE PRINCESS BRIDE! (sorry if I overused the caps) It's as good as people say it is! It will now make it's way into my fics. You will have only yourselves to blame for pushing me down this dark, eldritch path... = )
On a different note, here's a little teaser of the next Nanoha chap. What do you think?
Quote:Chisame has just asked if both Chao Bao Zi carts can fly.(remember, there are actually two)
No, just the one, Satsuki said. The other one is in case of emergency. Chao and Hakase built it after watching this movie, but we’ve never really had to use it. I suppose now is as good a time as any.
Chisame frowned at her. “What does it do?”
Satsuki coughed, and pulled a keyring from her pocked. The ring had a box black plastic hanging from it, like one of those electronic car controls. She pushed a button on it. Chao-Bao-Zi-con, Transform and Rise Up! Satsuki commanded in a loud, clear voice.
There was a rather distinct sound, like someone blowing through clenched teeth, seven distinct notes, clear as day of the sound of metal components shifting, turning, and rearranging. Chisame stared upwards as the ground shook, a giant beginning to loom over her.
“I am Meat Bun Supreme!” the former serving cart said.
“Chao, you crazy bitch,” Chisame said breathlessly.
She might have been a crazy bitch, Satsuki said noncommittally, but she had style.
Check out said crack:
Takamachi Nanoha of 2814- Green Lantern Nanoha. To START! Now with a TvTropes page!
FATE/Holy Grail War of 2814- The Fifth Holy Grail War with Magical Girl Prisma Illya, in the DCAU, from the above story.
Magical Girl Magistra Erebea Molly- the world's first Dresden Files/TvTropes Crossover.
VENGEANCE! The Musical! The Story of Uchiha Sasuke
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Cool. Transformers, I'm guessing?
By the way, did my second try at the link work?
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
SCM Writer of 2814
Yeah, it worked.
Check out said crack:
Takamachi Nanoha of 2814- Green Lantern Nanoha. To START! Now with a TvTropes page!
FATE/Holy Grail War of 2814- The Fifth Holy Grail War with Magical Girl Prisma Illya, in the DCAU, from the above story.
Magical Girl Magistra Erebea Molly- the world's first Dresden Files/TvTropes Crossover.
VENGEANCE! The Musical! The Story of Uchiha Sasuke
SCM Writer of 2814
Been reading TV tropes, among other things. There is a disturbingly high possibility that Tsukuyomi might be an Aoyama, possibly either Motoko and Tsuruko’s sister, or given the time-frame, Tsuruko’s daughter. Heck, she could even be Konoka’s cousin, given that it was implied that Eishun was an Aoyama before he married into the Konoe family. That’s just messed up. I liked her better when I had no possible way to give her a last name.
Thoughts? Suggestions?
Check out said crack:
Takamachi Nanoha of 2814- Green Lantern Nanoha. To START! Now with a TvTropes page!
FATE/Holy Grail War of 2814- The Fifth Holy Grail War with Magical Girl Prisma Illya, in the DCAU, from the above story.
Magical Girl Magistra Erebea Molly- the world's first Dresden Files/TvTropes Crossover.
VENGEANCE! The Musical! The Story of Uchiha Sasuke
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You know, I don't think I've seen any of Sailor Moon's attacks 'on screen' in the fic. And because of that, I can't stop thinking about a scene where the Senshi are surrounded by a mob of Jedite Servents and one of the Wolkenritter is watching/directing from above when Moon pulls out 'Moon Spiral Heart Attack'. Said Wolkenritter gets a moment to consider the stupidity of both the name and all the contortions Moon did when with a sparkly BOOM, a 80 metre wide perfectly heart shaped hole is blown into the Jedite horde. That would get at least a disbelieving stare form the Wolkenritter. And the TSAB agents.
Of course, none of the natives would even blink.
As far your last comment SCM, Setsuna is actually a Shinmeiryuu swordswoman so that would tie in the Aoyama anyway.
SCM Writer of 2814
Oh, I know that. It's Tsukuyomi that's freaking me out...
That's sort of why I drained Sailor Moon early. I'm saving her weird attacks for the finale.
Check out said crack:
Takamachi Nanoha of 2814- Green Lantern Nanoha. To START! Now with a TvTropes page!
FATE/Holy Grail War of 2814- The Fifth Holy Grail War with Magical Girl Prisma Illya, in the DCAU, from the above story.
Magical Girl Magistra Erebea Molly- the world's first Dresden Files/TvTropes Crossover.
VENGEANCE! The Musical! The Story of Uchiha Sasuke
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Makes sense. By the way, have you seen the Sailor Moon R movie? I'm kind of imagining that the finale will look somewhat like the battle on the asteroid now.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
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Re: Tsukuyomi - Well, it definitely gives some more slant to Tsukuyomi lusting after Setsuna, that is, beyond the whole excellent swordsmanship. Coveting Setsuna partly because Setsuna is basically Konoka's? Hostility and jealousy of Konoka? If she's a cousin, that's pretty close in the line of becoming heir to the Kanto Magical Association and gives an interesting view on what exactly Tsukuyomi was doing by supporting Monkey Girl Mage in the Kyoto arc.
SCM Writer of 2814
Sailor Moon R movie? Is that the one with the dude who has a crush on Mamoru, with the evil flowers (so Freudian...).?
If Tsukuyomi's an Aoyama on Konoka's father's side, she might be suffering from a case of 'Can't Catch Up'. On the one side, she's never going to be heir to the magical association, and on the other, she's never going to be heir to the Shinmeiryu, despite, from all appearance, being a sword genius to rival Negi's being a magical genius (Tsukuyomi seems to know ALL the Shinmeiryu techniques, unlike Setsuna, who knows about but hasn't learned the upper level ones because she's not in line, or Motoko, who had to wait until her sister threatened her with death to shape up). 'Losing' Setsuna to Konoka, and probably Motoko being allowed to be the School Heir despite being 'weak' might have cracked her mind. If the Motoko thing happened AFTER the Kyoto arc, that might explain why she's even more nuts now in the magical world.
Check out said crack:
Takamachi Nanoha of 2814- Green Lantern Nanoha. To START! Now with a TvTropes page!
FATE/Holy Grail War of 2814- The Fifth Holy Grail War with Magical Girl Prisma Illya, in the DCAU, from the above story.
Magical Girl Magistra Erebea Molly- the world's first Dresden Files/TvTropes Crossover.
VENGEANCE! The Musical! The Story of Uchiha Sasuke
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Yeah, that's the one. You can watch the bit of the battle I was referring to here (it starts at around 5:50), or without the dub by downloading from here. (At around 37:20)
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
SCM Writer of 2814
Yeah, i remember watching that. I heard they're releasing the series again, so hopefully we'll get better translations...
Check out said crack:
Takamachi Nanoha of 2814- Green Lantern Nanoha. To START! Now with a TvTropes page!
FATE/Holy Grail War of 2814- The Fifth Holy Grail War with Magical Girl Prisma Illya, in the DCAU, from the above story.
Magical Girl Magistra Erebea Molly- the world's first Dresden Files/TvTropes Crossover.
VENGEANCE! The Musical! The Story of Uchiha Sasuke
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Word of God came in at the end of Volume 31 and revealed that Eishun IS an Aoyama.
Apparently the family is actually rather large, and he's not so close as a brother to Motoko. There's plenty of room for an extremely skilled but ultimately cadet line member of the family to exist as an outcast. Of course, Tsukiyomi's never really been all that stable, her progress in the Shinmei school may also be associated with the members of the family recognizing that she was dangerously psychotic on top of everything else.
- Grumpy Uncle Gearhead
SCM Writer of 2814
Speaking of which, chap 300 is out a mangafox!
And the promised Love Hina stuff isn't there!
Edit: Wait, never mind, it was filed under Love Hina proper.
AND IT WAS DONE BY AQS! I guess they considered it too special to be left to amateurs!
Cocone has a disturbing tagline next to her name...
Check out said crack:
Takamachi Nanoha of 2814- Green Lantern Nanoha. To START! Now with a TvTropes page!
FATE/Holy Grail War of 2814- The Fifth Holy Grail War with Magical Girl Prisma Illya, in the DCAU, from the above story.
Magical Girl Magistra Erebea Molly- the world's first Dresden Files/TvTropes Crossover.
VENGEANCE! The Musical! The Story of Uchiha Sasuke