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Politics Video Madness II: The Revenge
Politics Video Madness II: The Revenge
An amusing video from the Lincoln Project, actually released last week just before the Inauguration:

-- Bob

I have been Roland, Beowulf, Achilles, Gilgamesh, Clark Kent, Mary Sue, DJ Croft, Skysaber.  I have been 
called a hundred names and will be called a thousand more before the sun grows dim and cold....
RE: Politics Video Madness II: The Revenge
Lincoln Project - Book Your Mexican Getaway Now!

Lincoln Project - The 'New' Republican Party
RE: Politics Video Madness II: The Revenge
So, was that the number for Ted Cruz's DC office that kept flashing on the screen of the first video?
RE: Politics Video Madness II: The Revenge
The area code is DC. Beyond that, I can't tell.
Rob Kelk

Sticks and stones can break your bones,
But words can break your heart.
- unknown

Forever neighbours, never neighbors
Government of Canada: How to immigrate to Canada
RE: Politics Video Madness II: The Revenge
The Lincoln Project is imploding , here's why.

RE: Politics Video Madness II: The Revenge
(02-27-2021, 07:19 PM)robkelk Wrote: The area code is DC. Beyond that, I can't tell.

The DC area code is one of the things that made me wonder. The other was the fact that the exchange wasn't "555." I could look it up; politicians' contact information is publicly available after all. I was just feeling lazy right then.
RE: Politics Video Madness II: The Revenge
Mrs. Betty Bowers - Freedom is Conformity

Lincoln Project - Zero Sum Game
RE: Politics Video Madness II: The Revenge
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about FOX news  being sued for $1.6 Billion
RE: Politics Video Madness II: The Revenge
what would Jesus say if he was a Republican
RE: Politics Video Madness II: The Revenge
Randy Rainbow - Ted and Lindsey!
RE: Politics Video Madness II: The Revenge
Levi's CEO has message for Mitch McConnell about voter rights - CNN
RE: Politics Video Madness II: The Revenge
Hayes: Jan 6th would have been a massacre if Police reacted like they do to BLM protests

RE: Politics Video Madness II: The Revenge
This is news?

I realized that the moment it happened.
RE: Politics Video Madness II: The Revenge
Beau of the fifth column - Let's talk about the phrase "we write the report"...
RE: Politics Video Madness II: The Revenge
The Damage Report - Canada shocks us with universal basic income experiment
RE: Politics Video Madness II: The Revenge
Mrs Betty Bower, America's Best Christian - Live from ANTIFA's Corporate Headquarters
RE: Politics Video Madness II: The Revenge
The Lincoln Project - The Line
RE: Politics Video Madness II: The Revenge
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about 1 in 5 thinking Trump  will be reinstated...
RE: Politics Video Madness II: The Revenge
Can't embed this one, so here's a link to the article that it's in.

Member of Parliament repeatedly racially profiled on Parliament Hill, announces she won't run for re-election
Rob Kelk

Sticks and stones can break your bones,
But words can break your heart.
- unknown

Forever neighbours, never neighbors
Government of Canada: How to immigrate to Canada
RE: Politics Video Madness II: The Revenge
Racial profiling working as intended.
RE: Politics Video Madness II: The Revenge
Liberal Redneck - 'The party of Lincoln' BS

RE: Politics Video Madness II: The Revenge
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about Portland cops resigning and what to do ...

The Lincoln Project - How Trump gets back to the White House
RE: Politics Video Madness II: The Revenge
MeidasTouch ad (about Jan 6th) censored by FOX 'NEWS'
RE: Politics Video Madness II: The Revenge
Liberal Redneck - The Benghazi People VS the January 6 Commision

Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about the South Dakota National Guard and the missing point...
RE: Politics Video Madness II: The Revenge
Link to the video - because maybe posting the name is probably still illegal - but linking to UK parliamentary records isn't.

You can't link to exact moment but, Starting at 16:11:50 , while Stephanie Peacock is talking about the Armed forces bill -- SDLP Colum Eastwood takes the stage and gives a name. under parliamentary privelage. Now it's public record.

This is kinda a thing. F's been anonymous for a long time.

In truth, it's actually not that hard to find. It seems he even got himself Gazetted for it. Anyone who would want to 'use' the name probably already knew it before today --- but the real advantage of anonymity is all the others who share the same name who had nothing to do with the event. It's a common enough name, after all.

But one is forced to wonder. If we can arrest old Nazis, why not old Paratroopers?

As for why this matters, se This link here

Quote:Michael Kelly, age 17. Shot in the stomach while standing at the rubble barricade on Rossville Street. Both Saville and Widgery concluded that Kelly was unarmed. The Saville Inquiry concluded that 'Soldier F' shot Kelly

James "Jim" Wray, age 22. Shot in the back while running away from soldiers in Glenfada Park courtyard. He was then shot again in the back as he lay mortally wounded on the ground. Witnesses, who were not called to the Widgery Tribunal, stated that Wray was calling out that he could not move his legs before he was shot the second time. The Saville Inquiry concluded that he was shot by 'Soldier F'

William McKinney, age 26. Shot in the back as he attempted to flee through Glenfada Park courtyard. The Saville Inquiry concluded that he was shot by 'Soldier F'.

Patrick Doherty, age 31. Shot from behind while attempting to crawl to safety in the forecourt of Rossville Flats. The Saville Inquiry concluded that he was shot by 'Soldier F', who came out of Glenfada Park. Doherty was photographed, moments before and after he died, by French journalist Gilles Peress. Despite testimony from 'Soldier F' that he had shot a man holding a pistol, Widgery acknowledged that the photographs show Doherty was unarmed, and that forensic tests on his hands for gunshot residue proved negative

Bernard "Barney" McGuigan, age 41. Shot in the back of the head when he walked out from cover to help Patrick Doherty. He had been waving a white handkerchief to indicate his peaceful intentions. The Saville Inquiry concluded that he was shot by 'Soldier F'

In July 2021, the Public Prosecution Service decided it would no longer prosecute "Soldier F" because statements from 1972 were deemed inadmissible as evidence.
Oh sweet meteor of death
Fall upon us.
Deliver us in fire
To Peace everlasting.

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