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The new Seraph's
RE: The new Seraph's
Your recent posts have been relatively clean. No weird behaviors or invisible font markups.
-- Bob

I have been Roland, Beowulf, Achilles, Gilgamesh, Clark Kent, Mary Sue, DJ Croft, Skysaber.  I have been 
called a hundred names and will be called a thousand more before the sun grows dim and cold....
RE: The new Seraph's
Still an odd color on my end, weirdly enough.
RE: The new Seraph's
Oh that I can explain, before fucking with settings, I was on dark mode, black text was near invisible. I also had to resize the font from Tumblr and though 4 was the standard, not 5.

But fixed the dark mode and figured out the font size.
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
Alicia had been conned into helping Caroline clean out her pet enclosures... Which as far as she could tell, involved holding said pets as Caroline cleaned. Holding the iguana Gogi, she looked around her cousins room, taking in the posters of heroes, real and fictional, when her eyes fall upon one.

"isn't that one a bit girly compared to the rest." She asked.

Caroline looked up and smiled. "Ah, Revolutionary Girl Utena, iconic tomboy."

Alicia blinked. "She has waist length pink hair."

"And? She also wears a boys uniform, watching dad's old DVDs is how I figured out I was gay, the love, the twists, the betrayal... Utena is amazing, she is my hero."

Alicia tilts her head. "Looks old, like older than you."

"Utena was a head of its time.... But if you want something similar but more recent, Gundam: Witch of Mercury is pretty much the same, just replace swords with robots."

Alica had to adjust her grip on Gogi as he tried to climb on her shoulders. "You are real open about this, wear your heart on your sleeve kinda girl."

Caroline laughs. "If Icon would allow it, my costume would be gay bacon."

"What the hell is gay bacon?"

"Oh, the joke is the Lesbian pride flag looks kinda like bacon, so gay bacon."

Alicia shook her head. "I am so confused."

"Hey, we are still trying to figure out if there is a gay ace flag for Neph., here I'm done, hand Gogi back."

Alicia handed over the iguana for Caroline to return to its terrarium as the red head went to her next case, opening it and scooping out three fat rain frogs that squeaked indignantly and handed them over.

"But you got it easy cuz, you are as straight as an arrow.... Which is a silly saying cuz an arrow bends like crazy when you shoot it."

Alicia looked confused. "What says I'm straight?"

Caroline gave a sly grin. "I see how you look at Seiji during training."

Alicia's only response was to blush hard.
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
And no sooner do we discuss the matter, than we get a post with double-nested font and size tags on every individual paragraph, explicitly setting the color to black which overrides the default color on the various skins. I've gone in and removed all the unnecessary markup to make this readable in the SanFelix skin.
-- Bob

I have been Roland, Beowulf, Achilles, Gilgamesh, Clark Kent, Mary Sue, DJ Croft, Skysaber.  I have been 
called a hundred names and will be called a thousand more before the sun grows dim and cold....
RE: The new Seraph's

Why does it only work some times?
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
Hmm... When you post a snippet, go all the way across to the 'view source' option on the list of buttons across the top of the message box, then paste the writing in.
RE: The new Seraph's
I will remember that next snippet.

If I can think of something.... Running out of game content XD
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
Kings Row
Seraph's House.

Alicia stares at the paperwork. "Okay... Explain to me why Praetoria isn't still a problem after 12 years?"

Neph sighs. "Okay, so the portals to Praetoria are not temporarily locked, they are fluid, meaning you can repeat them."

Alicia chews her pen. "Because of Orobourus?"

Neph nods. "Ouro holds most of the portals to key battles in the war, like Lambda raid and BAF raid. But there are portals controlled by Portal Corp and TUNNEL."

The demoness rolls her eyes. "So we are trapped fighting a war we already won?"

"Yes and no, we won, wars over.... But we can revisit it, aid in the fight to keep the time line clean."

"Sounds like some complicated bullshit."

"Oh it definitely is.... But hey, cracking Praet heads gets me paid.... And the multiverse might be involved."

Alicia groaned. "Why is school quizzing me on this?"

"I assume to make sure you are up to date with history."

Alicia just starts thumping her head on the table.

(There, my bullshit reason to why we are still doing 12 year old content on live.... I also typed this on my tablet on the browser, so hopefully it is not fucky.)
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
No code fuckery this time!

And keeping other time travelers from fucking things up. A tale as old as... oh.
RE: The new Seraph's
Neph would like to point out another side effect of this time fuckery.

Katie keeps getting more freeded Seerers to look after.

How is an Ace Lesbian meant to get time to hang with her girlfriend if said girlfriend keeps having to teach traumatized psychers how to be normal?

Not fair!
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
After talking to Vyper, I realised how amusing Seraph's introduction to the Legendary was.

Tish sits down at the big table. "I would like to welcome our newest member, my husband Seraph."

There is silence before the room burst into noise.

"Your husband?"

"When did you get married?"

"Why wasn't I invited?"

Mag Flashlight laughs. "So Vegas deal?"

Tish steeples her fingers. "I have been married for seven years.... How did you all not
 Notice the ring on my finger? So... My husband is in?"

A course of yes are heard.

Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
Warning, dark themes.

Atlas park.
Warehouse district.

Steve was not having a good week, first he tried to jump that demoness and get him some tail, but that resulted in him being branded and everyone else thinking he was someone's bitch. Now, he was waking up tied to a chair in some warehouse.

There was the sound of foot steps as a figure stepped into the light, wearing some sort of black business suit, gloves and a... Carnival of shadows mask. "Oh so scary." Steve snorted. "Who the fuck are you?"

The figure slowly walked around him. "Let's say, I am a vengeful soul, you hurt someone, someone I care deeply for." A photo is held in front of Steve's face. "Recognise her?"

He squints. "Yeah that's the bitch that fucking branded me."

The figure pockets the photo. "That "bitch" as you call her is a sixteen year old girl, that you tried to force into sexual slavery... Now I would love nothing more than to kill you.... But Paragon has laws, due service...." The figure turns to face Steve. "The law wants you alive." They slowly pick up a crow bar. "But the law does not say in what condition."

"You think I'm fucking scared of you psycho?" Steve shouts as he struggles in his bindings.

The figure chuckled. "Oh, you will be... They all are eventually." They said, easing up the crow bar and bringing it down on Steve's knee with a crack of splintering bone.

Steve howled in pain and let out a shaky laugh. "I'm a Hellion fucker, I have done worse."

The figure slowly tilted their head, stepping to one side to reveal a cam corder. "Well then Steve, let's hear your sins." As they wound up for another strike.



Sera stepped out if the Wearhouse, pulling off her carnival of light mask and showing it in her jacket, she had taken her time with the Hellion, milked him for every drop of info he had, evert crime he had committed, all recorded for the police on a cheep impossible to trace cam corder.

She didn't feel good, one should never feel good doing such a thing, because once you started enjoying it, you where on a slippery slope. But she did feel just.... And to be fair, she had done a lot worse for the Resistance in Praetoria.

Walking by a dumpster, she threw the crowbar and her bloody gloves in, she knew the cops wouldn't dig too deep, if they where anything like the PPD in Preat, they would look poorly on a podophile.

Pulling her hair back into a simple pony tail, she waved down a cab, she would put an anonymous call in to get Steve.... In a day or two, but now to head home where her daughter's waited for her.

What she did, she did for them, she would dirty her hands to see them safe and happy.
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
King's Row 
Seraph's House.

The Seraph's where enjoying a fourth of July BBQ, a novelty for some, Seraph and Neph where born in Australia, while Sera and Lief are from Preatoria, but why let that get in fun of a cook out?

As the fireworks went off, Caroline looked around. "Wait? Where is Gir? I thought she be here for the food?"

Meanwhile in her bedroom, Gir was shivering under her bed. "The sky is exploding." She muttered.

There was the faint ringing of bells as Jingle Minette crawled in with her, giving her a quick hug and passing over some ear plugs.

"Thanks." Gir says, stuffing her ears.

The jester girl nods and smiles, the Minette girls where a caring bunch, each in their own way.
Neph: I wanna fight!

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