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The new Seraph's
RE: The new Seraph's
Your recent posts have been relatively clean. No weird behaviors or invisible font markups.
-- Bob

I have been Roland, Beowulf, Achilles, Gilgamesh, Clark Kent, Mary Sue, DJ Croft, Skysaber.  I have been 
called a hundred names and will be called a thousand more before the sun grows dim and cold....
RE: The new Seraph's
Still an odd color on my end, weirdly enough.
RE: The new Seraph's
Oh that I can explain, before fucking with settings, I was on dark mode, black text was near invisible. I also had to resize the font from Tumblr and though 4 was the standard, not 5.

But fixed the dark mode and figured out the font size.
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
Alicia had been conned into helping Caroline clean out her pet enclosures... Which as far as she could tell, involved holding said pets as Caroline cleaned. Holding the iguana Gogi, she looked around her cousins room, taking in the posters of heroes, real and fictional, when her eyes fall upon one.

"isn't that one a bit girly compared to the rest." She asked.

Caroline looked up and smiled. "Ah, Revolutionary Girl Utena, iconic tomboy."

Alicia blinked. "She has waist length pink hair."

"And? She also wears a boys uniform, watching dad's old DVDs is how I figured out I was gay, the love, the twists, the betrayal... Utena is amazing, she is my hero."

Alicia tilts her head. "Looks old, like older than you."

"Utena was a head of its time.... But if you want something similar but more recent, Gundam: Witch of Mercury is pretty much the same, just replace swords with robots."

Alica had to adjust her grip on Gogi as he tried to climb on her shoulders. "You are real open about this, wear your heart on your sleeve kinda girl."

Caroline laughs. "If Icon would allow it, my costume would be gay bacon."

"What the hell is gay bacon?"

"Oh, the joke is the Lesbian pride flag looks kinda like bacon, so gay bacon."

Alicia shook her head. "I am so confused."

"Hey, we are still trying to figure out if there is a gay ace flag for Neph., here I'm done, hand Gogi back."

Alicia handed over the iguana for Caroline to return to its terrarium as the red head went to her next case, opening it and scooping out three fat rain frogs that squeaked indignantly and handed them over.

"But you got it easy cuz, you are as straight as an arrow.... Which is a silly saying cuz an arrow bends like crazy when you shoot it."

Alicia looked confused. "What says I'm straight?"

Caroline gave a sly grin. "I see how you look at Seiji during training."

Alicia's only response was to blush hard.
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
And no sooner do we discuss the matter, than we get a post with double-nested font and size tags on every individual paragraph, explicitly setting the color to black which overrides the default color on the various skins. I've gone in and removed all the unnecessary markup to make this readable in the SanFelix skin.
-- Bob

I have been Roland, Beowulf, Achilles, Gilgamesh, Clark Kent, Mary Sue, DJ Croft, Skysaber.  I have been 
called a hundred names and will be called a thousand more before the sun grows dim and cold....
RE: The new Seraph's

Why does it only work some times?
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
Hmm... When you post a snippet, go all the way across to the 'view source' option on the list of buttons across the top of the message box, then paste the writing in.
RE: The new Seraph's
I will remember that next snippet.

If I can think of something.... Running out of game content XD
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
Kings Row
Seraph's House.

Alicia stares at the paperwork. "Okay... Explain to me why Praetoria isn't still a problem after 12 years?"

Neph sighs. "Okay, so the portals to Praetoria are not temporarily locked, they are fluid, meaning you can repeat them."

Alicia chews her pen. "Because of Orobourus?"

Neph nods. "Ouro holds most of the portals to key battles in the war, like Lambda raid and BAF raid. But there are portals controlled by Portal Corp and TUNNEL."

The demoness rolls her eyes. "So we are trapped fighting a war we already won?"

"Yes and no, we won, wars over.... But we can revisit it, aid in the fight to keep the time line clean."

"Sounds like some complicated bullshit."

"Oh it definitely is.... But hey, cracking Praet heads gets me paid.... And the multiverse might be involved."

Alicia groaned. "Why is school quizzing me on this?"

"I assume to make sure you are up to date with history."

Alicia just starts thumping her head on the table.

(There, my bullshit reason to why we are still doing 12 year old content on live.... I also typed this on my tablet on the browser, so hopefully it is not fucky.)
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
No code fuckery this time!

And keeping other time travelers from fucking things up. A tale as old as... oh.
RE: The new Seraph's
Neph would like to point out another side effect of this time fuckery.

Katie keeps getting more freeded Seerers to look after.

How is an Ace Lesbian meant to get time to hang with her girlfriend if said girlfriend keeps having to teach traumatized psychers how to be normal?

Not fair!
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
After talking to Vyper, I realised how amusing Seraph's introduction to the Legendary was.

Tish sits down at the big table. "I would like to welcome our newest member, my husband Seraph."

There is silence before the room burst into noise.

"Your husband?"

"When did you get married?"

"Why wasn't I invited?"

Mag Flashlight laughs. "So Vegas deal?"

Tish steeples her fingers. "I have been married for seven years.... How did you all not
 Notice the ring on my finger? So... My husband is in?"

A course of yes are heard.

Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
Warning, dark themes.

Atlas park.
Warehouse district.

Steve was not having a good week, first he tried to jump that demoness and get him some tail, but that resulted in him being branded and everyone else thinking he was someone's bitch. Now, he was waking up tied to a chair in some warehouse.

There was the sound of foot steps as a figure stepped into the light, wearing some sort of black business suit, gloves and a... Carnival of shadows mask. "Oh so scary." Steve snorted. "Who the fuck are you?"

The figure slowly walked around him. "Let's say, I am a vengeful soul, you hurt someone, someone I care deeply for." A photo is held in front of Steve's face. "Recognise her?"

He squints. "Yeah that's the bitch that fucking branded me."

The figure pockets the photo. "That "bitch" as you call her is a sixteen year old girl, that you tried to force into sexual slavery... Now I would love nothing more than to kill you.... But Paragon has laws, due service...." The figure turns to face Steve. "The law wants you alive." They slowly pick up a crow bar. "But the law does not say in what condition."

"You think I'm fucking scared of you psycho?" Steve shouts as he struggles in his bindings.

The figure chuckled. "Oh, you will be... They all are eventually." They said, easing up the crow bar and bringing it down on Steve's knee with a crack of splintering bone.

Steve howled in pain and let out a shaky laugh. "I'm a Hellion fucker, I have done worse."

The figure slowly tilted their head, stepping to one side to reveal a cam corder. "Well then Steve, let's hear your sins." As they wound up for another strike.



Sera stepped out if the Wearhouse, pulling off her carnival of light mask and showing it in her jacket, she had taken her time with the Hellion, milked him for every drop of info he had, evert crime he had committed, all recorded for the police on a cheep impossible to trace cam corder.

She didn't feel good, one should never feel good doing such a thing, because once you started enjoying it, you where on a slippery slope. But she did feel just.... And to be fair, she had done a lot worse for the Resistance in Praetoria.

Walking by a dumpster, she threw the crowbar and her bloody gloves in, she knew the cops wouldn't dig too deep, if they where anything like the PPD in Preat, they would look poorly on a podophile.

Pulling her hair back into a simple pony tail, she waved down a cab, she would put an anonymous call in to get Steve.... In a day or two, but now to head home where her daughter's waited for her.

What she did, she did for them, she would dirty her hands to see them safe and happy.
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
King's Row 
Seraph's House.

The Seraph's where enjoying a fourth of July BBQ, a novelty for some, Seraph and Neph where born in Australia, while Sera and Lief are from Preatoria, but why let that get in fun of a cook out?

As the fireworks went off, Caroline looked around. "Wait? Where is Gir? I thought she be here for the food?"

Meanwhile in her bedroom, Gir was shivering under her bed. "The sky is exploding." She muttered.

There was the faint ringing of bells as Jingle Minette crawled in with her, giving her a quick hug and passing over some ear plugs.

"Thanks." Gir says, stuffing her ears.

The jester girl nods and smiles, the Minette girls where a caring bunch, each in their own way.
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
Oh, I should probably explains the Minette's, they have popped up enough.

The Minette's are PCs that belong to my friend Echo of Light, some might of seen her in The Legendary chat a while back, we have been RPing for a few years now and she is cool.

First of the Minette's is Preatorian Noelle, she helped Sera a few times and since coming to Primal has continued to help the Seraph family, becoming an unofficial aunt to the family. Noelle works for both Vanguard and MAGI, helping other Preat immigrants/refugees.

Second is Primal Noelle... Not much known about her beyond she works at MAGI and is on bad terms with her sisters.

Third is Trinity, green haired punk guitarist at local pubs, she is chill and down to earth, often listening to the woes of the people that live in the Seraph apartment block.

Fourth is the oddest, Jingle. She looks like a clown/jester/Harlequin, mute but does not speak ASL, she is a flirty little one and just seems to live to spread joy.... Also entertains Gir and Lief.
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
Kings Row 
Seraph's House 

Katie was sitting on Neph's feet to help her with sit ups.... And enjoying the view when a question formed in her mind. "Hey.... Why do you work out? Most of you is metal."

Neph grunted as she curled up, before laying back down. "Simple, metal is fucking heavy, so I had to get fit so my body could support the weight of my limbs. As I got older, my limbs got more upgrades and there for, heavier."

Katie furrowed her brow. "But aren't most limbs light weight to reduce strain on the user? At least, that was how it was in Preatoria."

Neph gave another grunt as she sat up. "Oh yeah, but light weight space age materials cost a lot and when we came to Paragon, dad was not flush with cash. So we had to afford some real clunkers, took me months to get used to them."

"And you where eight when you got your limbs?"

Neph nods.

"Sounds cruel to put such weight on so young a child."

"And that is the American health care service in a nut shell, kindness cost extra."

Katie pulls a face. "But wait... Your family is well off now, why not buy lighter?"

"Oh that is simple, I punch harder with these." Neph slaps a metallic bicep.

"You are a strange woman Neph Seraph."

"And you are dating me, so you are strange too."
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
King's Row 

Caroline was walking home from school with Lief and Alicia, the young elf chatting happily about her day as Alicia tugged Caroline sleeve. "We are being followed." She hisses.

A quick glance over her should confirmed they where being followed, looked like Skulls. "Follow me." Caroline said, ducking into an alleyway. "Hide behind the dumpster." She shoves her cousins into the shadows and turned around.

The Skulls slowly entered, looking around, pulling guns, three of them.... This was going to be to easy.

The lead Skull pointed his gun. "Where the fuck are the other two."

Caroline just shrugged.

The leader waved his gun. "Fuck it, down on you knees, empty your pockets, phone, wallet all of it."

Caroline grinned. "I'm not your mother last night."

"The fuck you say about my ma?"

Caroline grinned. "You heard me."

The leader glared. "Fuck itm now I'm taking your skull."

"Oh, you can try." She said, before exploding into motion, ducking as the gun went off, she felt the bullet graze her ear as she lept forward, grabbing his gun hand with her right and slamming her left hand up into his elbow, a crack echoed around the alley as the leaders arm now bent in the wrong direction.

He fell back screaming as the second Skull spun, raising a shotgun and firing, Caroline threw her self to the ground before co ing up in a roll, fist momentarily blurring as she smashed into his chest, the pop of cracking rubs telling her he was out of the fight for now.

Where was the third one? She spun and swore.

The third Skull was was pulling Lief out of the shadows, holding a gun to her head, Alicia trying to pull her back before he pistol whipped her in the face. "Alright Kung Fu bitch, you let me go or the knife ears gets it."

Caroline swore, there was no way she could get to him in time to save Lief, so she slowly knelt down... Wait, what was that noise? Cloth tearing?

With a roar, Alicia stood up in her demonic form, fire rolling off her. "You put her down you son of a bitch!" She bellowed.

The Skull stepped back in fear, Lief taking this opportunity to bite his arm, causing him to yelp and let her go, Alicia grabbed his gun arm and twisted, snapping it like a twig before lifting him up and throwing him into the wall where he fell almost boneless.

Alicia then knelt down, pulling Lief into a hug. "Are you okay?" She asked, her flame Aura gutting out.

Lief looks up, grinning widely. "That was so awesome! Caroline was all pow pew and then you got huge and it was so cool!"

Caroline fished around in her pocket. "Always keep some on me." She said as she pulled out some Zig mediporters, pulling the skull masks off the gangers before walking up to her cousins. "Quick pit stop first, then we head home." She pulled off her jacket and offered it to Alicia as the demoness shrunk back down to normal.

King's Row Police Department.

Caroline approached the desk and smiled at the on shift officer. "Hi, I just tangled with some Skulls and like to drop these off." She opened her back pack and put the skull masks on the desk. "Figure you can... I don't know, run dental or DNA on them and get them back to their families?"

Theon duty officer smiled. "Good thought kid, most heroes just smash them and leave them on the street, let me just get your details incase the families want to send their thanks... Your friend okay?" He waves at Alicia who was looking around nervously, hunched over in Caroline's jacket.

"She is a bit spooked, but okay, thank you officer." Caroline squints and rads the name tag. "McNolty."

Seraph's house.

Alicia let out a loud sigh as they got home. "We can not tell the adults about this." She says.

"Why not? We did hero stuff, we both have licences." Caroline asked.

"Because Lief." Alicia retorted. "Ma is already all panicky about me cuz the Hellions, what is she gonna for if she finds out about this?"

Sera stepped into the room. "Find out about what?" She asked.

Before either teen could speak, Lief ran up and hugged her mother. "We got mugged!"

Sera's eye twitches. "Kitchen, NOW!"

Alicia groans. "So boned."
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
3000+ views? Shit you guys like my short ficlets.
I know I sort of repeated myself in the last one with gangers attacking, but got the brain bug to write it.

Here is hoping to another thousand views!
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
King's Row 
Seraph's house.

Seraph was having trouble sleeping, tossing and turning in bed, it happened from time to time, sleep would elude him for hours on end. Sighing, he looked over at Tish, who was calmly sleeping on her belly, dark hair pooling around her.

Reaching over, he stroked her back, feeling not smooth flesh, but scars, old ones. He didn't know anything of Tish in the time before she came to Paragon, no one did. She was a mystery. All he knew is she grew up on the street, pulling herself up into the high light she lived now, earning her fortune with sweat and blood.... But in her past, she had obviously been abused.

He sighs, he will never know her secrets, she kept them close... But he wished she would share them with him... One day he mused as he kept stroking her back.

There was a knock at the door and he proped himself up, looking over as Gir poked her head in, looking embarrassed.

"I.... I had a nightmare.... Can I talk to you?" She asked softly.

Rolling out of bed, Seraph pulled a dressing gown on, thing it up before heading to the door and opening it.

Gir was standing there in an oversized t shirt, chewing her lip. "Sorry, I feel like such a baby doing this..." She muttered as he lead her into the kitchen and sat her down.

Seraph chuckled. "Well you are not even a year old, baby works."

She blushed hard at that before finding her voice. "I... I am having memories, not mine... The other Gir, the one I am baised on." She admits.

"And these are not good memories?"

She shook her head. "No, she was captured, tortured... I know it's not me, but it feels like me and." She clutched her head. "I'm so scared, where does this other Gir end and I begin? Am I my own person or just a flawed copy of someone else?"

Seraph places his hand on her shoulder. "Well this sounds pretty deep, but sadly all I can say is wait till you next see your therapist? Maybe they can prescribe something for a dreamless sleep?"

Gir looks up at him, her lower lip quivering. "I'm broken, just like Mother said."

He kneels down and hugs her. "No one is broken, and Preator Tilman lied and abused all that fell under her care... But if you want, we can sit on the couch till you feel better, maybe drift back to sleep?"

She nods as he gets some blankets and sits on the couch, Gir hugging him and shivering till she finally drifts off to sleep.

"You are a good dad."

Seraph jumped slightly, looking over his shoulder to see Tish. "Sorry, didn't mean to wake you."

She walks around and sits in his other side, snuggling up as she pulls the blanket over herself. "Woke me when you started rubbing my back, sensitive."

"Sorry, just.... Wondering about the scars."

She nods and sighs. "Secrets Seraph, secrets."

He kisses the top of her head. "One day, when you are comfy, I will listen." She chuckles. "We might be old and grey by then."

"Worth the wait... Now let's see if we can get some sleep."

Gir let's out a snoring snort.

"Well, try.'
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
In all fairness, I cheated on this one, took a 12 year old fic, adjusted the names and now we have this, enjoy.


Rain thundered down as Neph sat on the edge of one of the few intact buildings in Eden, making the last few adjustments to her power armour, listening to the combination of rain on her helm and the dull hum as her suit power relays.

As the last status message scrolled over her H.U.D, she smirked and ran to the edge, leaping across to the next building as her suits camo kicked in, reducing her form to nothing more than a flickering after image as she impacting on the other building, her fingers digging into the brickwork she crawled along the wall. Casting her gaze around, she listened to her radio, chuckling as she heard some chatter from Crey mooks.

Not really much of a threat, but it always felt good cracking their skulls and it be a good test of her suits upgrades.

Following the signal, she eventually reached what looked like some sort of camp sight, Crey juggernauts patrolling the perimeter while at the centre, bathed in the light from several flood lamps was some sort of metal coffin. She watched as scientists scuttling around it like ants before dropping down and sprinting into the shade for some heavy equipment. Looking over the edge, she moved to the next piece of shade, keeping the coffin in her line of sight as she moved closer.

Ducking behind a console, she heard one of the chatting to a bored looking guard. “See, by creating a symbiosis with the lobotomised crystal, we have created what could be the first generation of anti devouring earth troopers! With such things, we could take out the Hamidon! Think of how much we could charge for that!”

She had no idea what the hell the guy was going on about beyond the fact that Crey had got their hands on some innocent and was twisting them into some sort of weapon that they could sell to the highest bidder.

So of course, as a hero, Neph knew what she had to do.

Moving closer, she hear some noise from the edge of the camp and watched as several Juggernauts entered, dragging a heavily restrained Greater Devourer, the beast thrashing in it's chains as they dragged it towards the coffin.

Watching from the shadows, she saw the top of the coffin open. A young woman dressed in a simple black body suit stumbled out, her face obscured by her white hair, while some sort of metal and crystal device seemed to be bolted onto her back.

The chatty guy in a lab coat stepped forward holding some sort of remote, pressing a button the girl screamed, her body twitching as the ground beneath her pulsed. With another press of the remote, she buckled and screamed again, the mud beneath the devourer exploded upwards as spears of magma lanced it's flesh.

Feeling her stomach turn, she watched as the button was pressed again and again, each time the girl screamed as more magma lashed up to tear into the bound beast.

This was inhuman.

Stepping out of the shadows, she felt her suit purr as she grabbed the first mook, snapping his neck like a twig as she stepped into the light, her energy aura flikering as she drained their stanima into herself

It was a dangerous trick, it was all to easy to become lost in the high, but she had something to focus on, to ground her as she punched the nearest Juggernaut, his chest plate cratering as he fell.

She had to save that girl.

The scientist screamed and pointed the remote at her, hammering the button as if his life depended on it, the poor girl twitching like a puppet on broken strings as she held out a hand, her eyes glowing crimson under her fringe as she slapped the mud in front of her. A wall of magma rolling out to trip Neph up, sending her tumbling face first into the mud.

Quickly leaping to her feet, she saw the shock wave wasn't discriminatory, the Crey Juggernauts laying prone, either trapped in place or impaled in the magma. The nutso in the lab coat screaming as he fidgeted with the remote. “You worthless hunk of Junk! What happened to the Friend or Foe system? It must need re-calibrating.”

Rolling to her feet, she stood in front of the scientist, looming over him as she snarled. “Yeah, how about no.” She brought her armoured fist down on his head, knocking him cold and grabbing the remote crushing it in her hand

The poor girl staggered as the remote was destroyed, dropping to her hands and knees before rolling over onto her back.

Splashing though the mud, she dropped to the girls side and checked her vitals, letting out a sigh of relief as she felt a strong pulse. Reaching to her belt she pulled her mediport off and attached it to the girls jump suit before activating it, sending her to the King's Row hospital before trigging a spare teleporter To follow her.

* * *

King's Row Hospital
Examination room

The clockwork turned to Neph giving her a slightly irate look as she straighten her dress. “You know, this unit did have a date planed for tonight?” she muttered, Neph noting the usual vocal quirk as Medical Unit Theta walked over and start putting some X-rays up on the light board. “If it wasn't for how much trouble your family gets into, this unit would of probably ignored the call.”

Neph shrugged . “Sorry Theta, but you are the best medic I know. I mean, how many times have you patched up my old man or Caroline?”

The clockwork woman sighed and pointed to the X-rays. “Fine, but this unit has 3 bits of news. Good, Bad and what the hell, which would you hear first?”

“Um... the good news first?”

Theta turned and crossed her arms. “She is in surprisingly good shape despite what those idiots at Crey have done. She looks to be early teens, possibly of Latino decent or Hispanic.”

“Okay, the bad news?”

Theta taped a X-ray of the woman’s head. “She has been given an implant that is disturbingly similar to what the Pretorian seer's have installed, but Crey have done a sloppy job.” She taped portions around the implant. “It has caused damage to her language centres, this unit also found traces of what ever drug they use to erase their memories in her system.” Theta shook her head.

Neph shifted slightly, she had seen many Sabers wake with no memory of their past. She wasn't sure what Crey did, but it made her skin crawl. “What’s the last bit of news then?”

“This is.... well.” Theta put up an X-ray and pointed.

As Neph lent in, her jaw dropped slightly. The x-ray was of the girls back, showing that the crystal on her back wasn't just grafted on, it had grown into her, the girls ribs, spine and a portion of her pelvic bone covered in a strange crystalline growth. “What the hell is that crap?”

“As far as this unit can tell, it is a symbiotic crystal. She could not take a sample though, that stuff is as hard as diamonds.”

She looked down at the Clockwork. “What the hell was Crey trying to do?”

Theta shrugged. “This unit does not know, but there is the question of what will we do when she wakes up? She can stay here for a bit, but after that? ”

Chewing her lip slightly, Neph got her phone out. “Well, we got some spare rooms at home. I'm just hope dad doesn’t mind...”
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
Kings row
Seraph's House 

Seraph looked to Tish, then back to Neph and her Jane Doe. "I don't think we can Neph."

Neph sighed. "Why not? We accepted Gir, Sera and her kids, why not her?"

Her father tapped the table. "I'm not sure we have the room.... That and I don't need rumours, taking in a tin of teenage girls when you are a rich white man?"

Neph's face fell. "But we got to do something for her, just look at her."

Jane Doe was awkwardly using a spoon to scoop up porridge and sticking it in her mouth, the sound of crystal teeth clattering against the metal spoon filling the room.

Seraph took a breath. "I know.... But we just don't have the room."

Tish spoke up. "You said she has Seer tech in her head, why not try your girlfriend? Maybe she can help?"

Neph looks at Jane. "I can try...."

Steel Canyon 
Vanguard Safehouse.

Katie hugged Neph as she entered, then looked at Jane. "Oh... A new seer?" She asked.

Neph chewed her lip. "Yes and no... Let me explain."

They sat in the loungeroom as Neph explained everything that had happened, from Eden, to The hospital and her family's reaction.

Katie smiles. "Neph, I would love to look after your new daughter."

Neph blushed. "Er, I did not adopt her... So she is more a ward?"

The seer laughed, before turning to Jane, who was looking at the seers floating around curiously. "Let's see what I can do to help.... Jane? Please sit still okay." Katie said as she gently placed her hands on Jane Doe's head, psychic energy rippling between them.

Neph leans over. "Er... What are you doing?"

"Oh, just a light reading and uploading human basics. I have had to do it with the more extreme cases with the seers. Also trying to undo the damage to her language centre..... Crey did a real number on her...."

Jane's ruby eyes looks around as her lips twist, a wordless mumble flowing forth.

Katie sat back. "I have done all I can with out major mind dive.... So, do you have a name?"

Jane opened and closed her mouth several times, before she let out a rasping croak. "Briar."

Katie clapped and looked to Neph. "Miracle worker Katie strikes again, I accept payment in hugs and kisses."

Neph laughs and pulls Katie into a hug.... Before Briar walks over and joins the hug.

Neph looks at her and smiles. "I promise to do good by you Briar."

The girl nodded and smiles, those glittering crystal shark like teeth looking intimidating.
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
[Image: 7aed7ee70fe21d95e813c4ab24e19cd125218b60.pnj]
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
Steel Canyon.
Vanguard Safehouse.

Neph lazes on the couch with Katie, watching as Briar was enthralled with the tv, some show with talking ponies was on, not that Neph was really paying attention, she was busy staring at her id card. "Security rank 50... Only took, seven months and a lot of dimension hopping."

Katie patted her shoulder. "Congratulations hun, so what are your plans now?"

Neph paused. "I have not thought that far really, probably still hero?"

Katie chuckled. "Well I was thinking, cuz I have done some reading on it, most high level heroes take on a side kick." She gently tilted her head to Briar.

"I am all but mothering her, much to my family's confusion, what would side kicking do?"

"Well, you get government funding to go towards their training, maybe even proper tuition for her."

"I don't know about enrolling her in a school, she struggles to say more than one word at a time... She is kind of a blank slate upstairs."

"Well it's just something to think about... Oh, maybe you can put her in your aunt Sera's class, the one she is running for Gir and Alicia?"

"I could, but that is more teaching social skills, because despite all her PR training, Gir is ass at human interaction and Alicia knows how to be a demon, not a person.... I can try."

Katie pats her shoulder. "Hey Briar sweety, you want to try some schooling?"

Briar looks over with those glittering ruby eyes. "School?" She croaks.

"Yeah, hang around kids your age, learn some stuff... You like that?"

Briar has a look of deep thoughts on her face, then slowly nods. "Yeeeeeeas."

Katie grinned. "Ta da! I am awesome at this stuff."

Neph chuckles. "Well you are mothering how many Seerers?"

"Last count, 16.... It is a big house."
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's
King's Row 
Seraph's House.

Seraph was sitting at the kitchen table, sipping coffee when Neph came in, carrying Briar, the both coated in blood.

He blinked and put his cup down. "I assume there is a good reason as to why you and your ward are dripping blood on my floor."

Neph grunted. "So, taking her herping, teaching her the ropes... Turns out she can explode people."

He stares. "What?"

"She like, can create a giant ball of stone spines in someone, exploding them.... We where lucky she was fighting Vazhalock, so already dead."

Briar grins. "Pop." She croaks.

Neph pats her head. "Pop indeed, so cuz this place was closer, we are using the bath."

Seraph rubs his brow. "Just clean up after yourselves?" He asks.

Neph walked to the bathroom where she stripped her and Briar down, filling the tub with warm water and climbing in, almost immediately staining the water red. "Fuck me." The cyborg muttered, this was a hell of a mess.

(Just a little something after I saw how violent Stone Blast is, murder set.)
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: The new Seraph's

Okay, sure some bots are pumping the numbers, but yay!
Neph: I wanna fight!

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