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Lingerie Fighter Papillon Rose
Re: Lingerie Fighter Papillon Rose
(or something that looks like pearl to me, again not good with phonetics. It's Paru/Haru)
Apropos of my previous comments on this point, is there any chance that this could be "baru", i.e., "ball"? "ba" is the same character as "pa", except that instead of a small circle it has the same double-vertical-line mark which (for instance) turns a "ka" into a "ga".
Re: Lingerie Fighter Papillon Rose
The kana is the one with the circle, not the double lines, so it's 'pa'.
And I just simply said I am using Violet and Lily for the attacks because I think it makes more sense, I've put side notes on my page about it though...
I wasn't sure about the 'tsu' I just noticed it there, and it wasn't small enough to my eyes to signify an extender, although I don't know. It's weird, that would be one of the only attacks that is fully in Japanese.
I only said the haipan part for Petit-Rose because the chart I was using puts 'ha' as another possibility for the 'pa' character. .>
And as for Lily's attack, it's a 'n', there's no m in the last part, not even a 'mu'... so I don't see how anything with an M could come out of it. Although that would sound good, but the one ba just is weird. The new attacks are odd in general.
I couldn't make sense of Margarette's attack kana because they combinations weren't showing up anywhere and what I was coming up with was confusing me. I did get Magic, just couldn't figure out the last part. Someone else is taking a look at the scans I did to try to figure some things out. That or she's going to be a bitch and say something mean to me. -.-;
And the last part on Papillon Rose's attack is 'gura' I got confused trying to keep all the stuff I had figured out in line. (Which is probably why I should have been typing it as I was doing it.)
Re: Lingerie Fighter Papillon Rose
The kana is the one with the circle, not the double lines, so it's 'pa'.
Acknowledged. I couldn't be sure myself, but the other would have made sense, so I asked just in case.
I wasn't sure about the 'tsu' I just noticed it there, and it wasn't small enough to my eyes to signify an extender, although I don't know. It's weird, that would be one of the only attacks that is fully in Japanese
Well, since it's all kanji, it's plainly going to be straight Japanese. I agree that it's sort of the odd one out in that respect, but what can we do?
And as for Lily's attack, it's a 'n', there's no m in the last part, not even a 'mu'... so I don't see how anything with an M could come out of it.
That's an oddity of Japanese, or at least of romanization. Sometimes, though not often, an M sound will be written as "n" rather than as a "ma"-gyo character. A commonly-known example is "sempai"; it's actually written "senpai", but it's almost never pronounced quite that way, so almost no one romanizes it that way either.
I suppose I sort of have that backwards, really. A better explanation: in Japanese, in some contexts (which, now that I think about it, are almost always preceding a member of some variant on the "ha" gyo) the "n" character will actually be pronounced "m".

I've been working on Lupinus' attack, and after a long period of frustration (during which I was almost at the point of asking for a higher-resolution scan of just that one part of the image) have managed to figure out something new about my kanji-search program and come up with a candidate translation. The individual kanji are too vague to explain briefly, but the first can be read as "call" or "send for" (though also as "seduce"...), the second as "here", and the third as "beast" or "animal". Since the following kana read "Silver Fenris", a reference to the monstrous Fenris-wolf of Norse mythology, this seems fairly plausible to me.
In case you're interested:
The first kanji can be read as either katakana "shou" or hiragana "me(su)", where the parenthesis means that what's inside is sometimes left out; the second can be read as either "koko(ni)" or "shi(geru)"; and the third is "kemono", the same usage as in the commonly-recognized word "bakemono", though it can also be read "kedamono" with the same meaning. There are other possible readings I've left out, but these are the main ones.
Re: Lingerie Fighter Papillon Rose
O.o... uh... I understood half of that. So Lupinus' attack might be????
Anyway, I'm going to put different variations of Lily's new attack on my site. It's getting to the point where I might make seperate pages for everyone, no matter how small just because of all the variations of things I'm getting. (As though the enemy names aren't bad enouh. Long story on that one.)
I was thinking about the Pearl thing, and somehow got reminded of Sailor Moon S (gee wonder why) and how Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and sort of Chibi Moon had special attributes that the other girls didn't. Like how Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus used their talismans to bring about Sailor Moon's new transformation aka the grail thinger. Maybe it's a rip off that. Also the fact that Chibi Moon must have had something or other special otherwise Mistress 9 wouldn't have used her energy to come about, plus there's the whole Pegusus thing, then the SuperS movie, blah too many things to refer to. So maybe it's a referrence to that, kind of like the pure hearts.
Re: Lingerie Fighter Papillon Rose
O.o... uh... I understood half of that. So Lupinus' attack might be?
At a rough guess, "Summon Beast Silver Fenris". That doesn't quite match what's given, but it's as close as I can render it in English given my limited knowledge of how to parse Japanese.
I was thinking about the Pearl thing, and somehow got reminded of Sailor Moon S (gee wonder why) and how Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and sort of Chibi Moon had special attributes that the other girls didn't.
Yes, the same thought came to me, and the parallel is indeed plausible - but what it all means we probably can't guess until we get much closer to the relevant point in the series. Maybe in another decade or three.
Incidentally, if there's any means by which I might be able to get my grubby little paws on a copy of the episode (aside from Streamload, which I can't afford, and the FTP which has been down every time I've checked), I'd very much appreciate knowing about it. I can get by without, but it feels a little odd doing this much work without having ever seen any of the thing...
Re: Lingerie Fighter Papillon Rose
Okay, how about in Japanese, what would it be? ^_^;;;
OY! And I have to post something, I don't know why, this just so SERIOUSLY pisses me off... it's a bit off topic though.
Last night I posted some romaji lyrics on my journal that I had figured out from another anime... and I also posted them on a forum, and this was a response I got today.
Well first notes, I downloaded and MP3 of this song and I believe I even posted on my journal about wanting to buy the singles... not sure. But I would like to once I have money. And second, I couldn't figure out what was said at the end of the song because it was some horrid Japanese-English.
Well yeah, here was someone's response.
"Just buy the CD and get the official lyrics(1200yen is NOT expensive for a CD single that plays 30 minutes, although half of it is drama tracks, but they are GOOD drama tracks), you don't need to try dictating the lyrics out yourself.
Of course, if you don't know Japanese, you won't be able to read the lyrics, but even if you have romaji, what's the point of trying to sing along a song you don't understand? Ah, and for your English problem, the official lyrics does include them, it's "I will go there"."
WTF is up with THAT! Like it's a sin to try to sing something that you don't 100% understand? And oh geez I'm sorry I try to get lyrics out to people when they aren't available anywhere else even though they may not be 100% correct (Although damn close) so sorry for being NICE!
>.< People like that seriously piss me off...
I personally don't think you should have to know an entire language before being allowed to sing songs in it.
Anyway, going on... I let someone else download the episode from me through streamload today... ~_~ bugger I'm losing so many download megabytes cause of it. Did I mention I don't have a job, and I sell things on ebay to fund my .com and streamload? Anyway... If you want, I could let you download it, but jeebus after this I seriously need to find another way to get it to people. Like bittorrent or something else, although I'm not posting on that one forum anymore (was a bittorrent) since everyone is a-holes. I've got a little money in my bank account that I can use towards downloads for the rest of the month but that would make it the second time this month I've had to renew them. O.o;;; Niceness doesn't pay, XD it takes money.
Re: Lingerie Fighter Papillon Rose
I let someone else download the episode from me through streamload today... ~_~ bugger I'm losing so many download megabytes cause of it. Did I mention I don't have a job, and I sell things on ebay to fund my .com and streamload?
Well, now that I have a copy -- and I can confirm that it's not corrupted and is pristine and crystal-clear -- maybe I can take up some of the slack here. FTP is probably out as it's way too big for my website, but maybe direct transfers when I'm online, and of course I can always burn CD copies.
Like bittorrent or something else, although I'm not posting on that one forum anymore (was a bittorrent) since everyone is a-holes.
I know of about half a dozen anime-focussed bittorrent trackers/communities; I'm sure you can find something suitable from among them.

-- Bob
And all the girlies say I'm pretty dry for a wet guy...
I've been posting on bittorrent sites about it but most of them are like "ask so and so" and "they probably won't cause it's only one episode, they usually do entire series."
If you could send it to some people who are wanting it I would be so greatful. (And so would my bank account.) I would do it myself but we still need to get our damned firewall fixed. (Hardware sucks.) And at the moment it won't let me send files through any messengers... which is odd.
Of course I could also make CD-R copies of it and send it to people if they want, that doesn't bother me. I just have this thing about filling up disks so I'd probably add like every single Papillon Rose image I have and the songs to fill the darn thing up. O.o... call it a Papillon Rose multimedia CD-R then. Oy.
So I suppose many choices there... if someone wants me to make them a CD-R it would be easiest for me since downloading is a no-no by now. ~.~ Sorry. Guess that means people would have to be willing to provide a mailing address. (Through e-mail of course. I have this odd thing about thinking that people are afraid to give out their mailing address. O.o)
But yeah... whatever the case, so long as person gets it.
Okay, I'm going through my bookmarks and assembling tracker sites to send to you. I'm testing them first, to make sure I know what's up and what's not, and it looks like a couple are down.
But what you will get will be latest live info.

-- Bob
And all the girlies say I'm pretty dry for a wet guy...
Re: Lingerie Fighter Papillon Rose
Okay, how about in Japanese, what would it be?
Well, that's the thing - it's hard to tell. I tried to explain why in a previous post, but you said you only understood about half of it, and I admit that it confuses even me.
Each of the three kanji can be read (that is, translated into kana) at least two different ways, with different pronunciations and romanizations which are equally valid even though they have the same meaning. I do not know which readings are intended for this particular instance; it probably won't be possible to tell until we hear the attack being used.
That said, it *is* possible to guess a likely reading, even if we can't be certain; with all those caveats, I *might* romanize it as "meshi kemono shiruba fenrisu". The only trouble is that I get "meshi" by combining the first two kanji, but the word "meshi" only uses one of them; still, it's the best you've going to get out of me until either I become much more intimately familiar with the language than I am or the series progresses to the point where the attack is used. ^_^
I personally don't think you should have to know an entire language before being allowed to sing songs in it.
Although I can see the other person's argument, sort of, I do agree; I often find that a song is more enjoyable, both to listen to and to sing along with, before I know what it means.
I understand about money and bandwidth woes; I don't have much of the latter sort, but I do have growing problems in the former arena. I have the ability to host a BT tracker if really necessary, but I'd prefer not to because it can kill the ability to use a system for much else - and more and more so the more people are using the torrent. (Not to mention that because of my ports situation, it's not certain that people would be able to connect without doing extensive network configuration.)
Re: Lingerie Fighter Papillon Rose
Oh, incidentally: do you have any plans to include a translation of Adonis' attack name, instead of or in addition to the romaji? "rakka" is "falling petals", and "mijin" is "particle" or "atom", so given the vagaries of Japanese idiom it might be reasonable to translate it as, for instance, "Falling Atom" - except that that doesn't include the same wafted-gently-by-the-wind sense as "falling petals" does.

And how does one edit an already-existing post, anyway? I've seen people do it in these very forums, so I know it can be done, but I don't see any interface for it...
You have to be a registered user to edit a post. ^_^; Then you need to be logged in and it will show the edit option under your username and such where the post is.
Anyway, I was going to ask you about that since I wasn't entirely sure on Adonis' attack as far as the translated name. When I looked at the words before and put them together it was Falling Petals Atom which just sounded corny. .> Falling Atom sounds good though, I'll probably post both variations...
Uhhh I dunna though, I think I still need a Japanese name for Lupinus' attack?
Lingerie Fighter Papillon Senshi translations
You have to be a registered user to edit a post.
Hmm. I thought I *had* registered - the only signup method I saw is the one which told ezBoard what password to use with this username, and I obviously use that or I couldn't be posting. I've seen the difference in how my name shows up in the Author sidebar, but I've never been able to figure out what to do about it.
Now that I look, I wonder if I was blind before; I'll be registered shortly, unless some other stumbling block comes up.
Uhhh I dunna though, I think I still need a Japanese name for Lupinus' attack?
As I said, "meshi kemono shiruba fenrisu" is about as good as I can do. The latter two words are, obviously, simply a kana version of "Silver Fenris"; you can write them whichever way you prefer.
"meshi kemono" might better be written "meshikemono", depending on how it's pronounced; there's no real way for me to tell in the meantime.
Re: Lingerie Fighter Papillon Senshi translations
Could "Silver Fenris" be some kind of flower? Google doesn't turn up everything, but it doesn't contain the sum total of human knowledge yet...

-- Bob
And all the girlies say I'm pretty dry for a wet guy...
Re: Lingerie Fighter Papillon Senshi translations
I've personally never heard of a flower called a Fenris but who knows... XD Maybe check out a flower book at the local library?
-.- It seems my site is down at the moment which ticks me off, it happens a lot in one month... next time it happens I'm going to complain to my host and see if they can do something about it/to make up for it.
Re: site hosting
You might want to talk to Offsides. He is one of the owner/operators of a very dependable, relatively inexpensive hosting service. He in fact hosts a domain for me, and I've not had complaints in the time in which I've done business with him/them.

-- Bob
And all the girlies say I'm pretty dry for a wet guy...
Re: site hosting
I don't want to end up having to pay O.o... sorry I kinda have a hard time keeping enough money for the things I already have to pay for. (I thought I mentioned that all the time. ;_; Tis my favorite thing to whine about.)
Re: site hosting
I don't want to end up having to pay O.o... sorry I kinda have a hard time keeping enough money for the things I already have to pay for.
Ah. I got the impression you were paying already for the hosting, which is why I thought to point you at a more dependable provider.

-- Bob
And all the girlies say I'm pretty dry for a wet guy...
Re: site hosting
O.o... Oh well I think mine is fine, everyone gets downtime sometimes. My site space only costs $6 a month and it's 750mb of disc space and 20gb of bandwidth so I'm pretty happy with it even with the downtimes...
XD I got confused by your post.
Re: site hosting
No problem. Six bucks a month is a bit less than Offside's service anyway.

-- Bob
And all the girlies say I'm pretty dry for a wet guy...
Re: Lingerie Fighter Papillon Rose
Oy, I just read somewhere yesterday that supposedly the Papillon Rose OVA is supposed to be made up of a six volume release. (Six episodes I'm assuming if they continue with one episode per DVD. -.- Cheap b@st@rds.)
O.o... course that brings to mind... the wait. It's been 8 months since the first episode was released already >.< could you imagine waiting around a year for each episode? That's crazy. Hopefully after the next one they will be little more speedy.
Re: Lingerie Fighter Papillon Rose
Presumably preproduction on the series was the most overhead (that, and covering their butts against lawsuits ). Now that they've got development and whatnot out of the way, they don't have to repeat it for subsequent episodes, and it should be a little faster.

-- Bob
And all the girlies say I'm pretty dry for a wet guy...
Re: Lingerie Fighter Papillon Rose
I don't get what all these comments about lawsuits are. It doesn't copy any other anime too exactly that they could get sued.
O.o... I mean ... basically every super-girl anime is the same. >.< And there are talking animals all over the place in them too.
Re: Lingerie Fighter Papillon Rose
Well, I was being a little tongue-in-cheek about the lawsuits. Now if they had kept going on like the trailers, lifting entire sequences from other animes and digitally manipulating them, that really would have been lawyerbait. But they aren't.

-- Bob
And all the girlies say I'm pretty dry for a wet guy...
Re: Lingerie Fighter Papillon Rose
I think they felt okay using those things for the original promo since they weren't planning on actualy making any episodes. Can't sue them for what they don't do, ya know?
And when they did end up deciding to make an episode they changed it along with some other things.

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