Last Update: 7 August 2008

Please note that the following is a work-in-progress, and will tend to expand or change without warning. Also note that this language supports Narth in two different game-systems and two different flavors; there are words for races and concepts that exist in Narth Classic but which are not found in Narth 2000, and vice versa.


-able (suffix) -avidhas
-ship, state of being (suffix) -oth


a, an (article) ha
abjuration (noun) higetraa
abjure, to (verb) higetri
able (adjective) avidhas
able, to be (verb) avidhi
above (preposition) ith
Abyss, the (noun, proper) Aso
across (preposition) holn
act, to (verb) lothi
add, to (verb) fydhi
Aetherlord (noun, proper) Shriessabos
after (conjunction) ythe
after (preposition) ytha
again (adverb) narasa
against (preposition) hai
age, to (verb) nyolti
aged (adjective) nyoltas
agile (adjective) almathinas
agility (noun) almathina
agonizing (adjective) tashonas
agony (noun) tashon
air (noun) hiullie
air elemental (noun) haushryn ad hiullie
airy (adjective) hiullas
ale (noun) idar
alive (adjective) tailaunas
all (adjective) thias
all (adverb) thiasa
all (noun) thi
all (pronoun) thi
alliance (noun) maithrendaa
allied (adjective) maithrendas
ally (noun) maithrendyn
ally, to (verb) maithrendi
alone (adjective) rimenas
also (adverb) kintasa
although (conjunction) nepai
amber (noun) odhrasythlethalos
ammunition (noun) lydrathin
among (preposition) sau
ancestor (noun) eyothondo
and (conjunction) auth
anger (noun) lythrebe
angle (noun) lovan
angry (adjective) lythrebas
animal (noun) ythreye
animal-kind (noun, collective) ythreyai
ankle (noun) ohr
ant (noun) aiste
apart (adjective) vertas
appear, to (verb) imadhi
appearance (noun) imadh
appearance (noun) imadhar
arm (noun) jesthe
around (preposition) dhalle
arrow (noun) aurafe
as (adverb) taiasa
as (conjunction) tai
as (preposition) tai
ask for/request, to (verb) immesi
ask/query, to (verb) ureli
Asutine (noun, proper) Ralmon
at (preposition) er
augmentive suffix (big, great) (suffix) -on
aunt (colloquial) (noun) dofaedha
aunt (literally, "parent-sister") (noun) ithondofaedha
away (adjective) enel
away (adjective) enelas
away (adverb) enelasa


back (noun) latu
backward (adverb) latasa
bad (adjective) quindas
badger (noun) urnes
badly (adverb) quindasa
badness (noun) quindal
bag (noun) mos
bag, to put into a (verb) mosi
bake, to (verb) auli
barrel (container) (noun) nelet-ho
barrel (of a gun) (noun) saimenatham
bass, large-mouth (noun) tathon
battle (noun) hithie
battle or fight, to (verb) hithi
be angry, to (verb) lythrebi
be foolish or act foolishly, to (verb) voti
be good, to (verb) rendi
be necessary, to (verb) hethaumi
be sorry or apologize, to (verb) eshri
be wise, to; have wisdom, to (verb) andothi
be, to (verb) aili
bear (noun) kafathe
bear a weapon or arm oneself, to (verb) lythri
beard (noun) idran
beautiful (adjective) nyistas
beauty (noun) nyistel
beaver (noun) enfe
because (preposition) otyr
beer (noun) ysith
beetle (noun) dhovirom
before (preposition) nyolm
behind (preposition) beth
behold, to (verb) thri
belief (noun) lossiesse
believe, to (verb) lossi
believer (noun) lossiessyn
bend, to (verb) hri
berry (noun) telte
between (preposition) nau
big, great (adjective) tovas
bird (noun) avindyr
bitter (adjective) hashas
bitterly (adverb) hashasa
black (adjective) yathas
bless, to (verb) reladhi
blessing (noun) reladhis
blood (noun) usasu
bloody (adjective) usasas
blue (adjective) dras
blue (adjective) adostas
blunderbuss (noun) tathon
boar, pig (noun) imes
body (noun) naedil
bomb, explosive device (noun) kevaumyn
bone (noun) sasadh
book (noun) thantilm
boom (onomatopaeia) kevaum
Borah (noun, proper) Othashym
born, to be (verb) ethi
borrow, to (verb) iraisti
borrower (noun) iraistyn
both (adjective) sivas
both (pronoun) sive
bow (archery) (noun) raintu
box (container) (noun) jo
brain (noun) autes
branch (noun) reth
branch, to (verb) rethi
brandy (noun) emaith
bread (noun) atora
break, to (verb) dahi
breast (noun) quamith
breath (verb) niene
breathe, to (verb) nieni
brew (noun) larrete
brew, to (verb) larreti
bright (adjective) ythlas
bring, to (verb) tati
bronze (noun) udhiel
brother (noun) taman
brotherly (adjective) tamanas
brute (noun) nelar
build, to (verb) nolovi
builder (noun) nolovyn
building (noun) nolovath
bullet (noun) saime
but (conjunction) alb
butcher (noun) orendyn
butcher, to; lit. to make meat (verb) orendi
butterfly (noun) kothathritra
buy, to (verb) naili
buyer (noun) nailyn
by (preposition) es


call for vengeance, to (verb) ethrandi
candle (noun) kathra
cartridge (noun) favomos
cash (noun) vaun
cat (noun) tur
cat (noun) enase
catch, to (verb) daulomi
cattle, kine (noun) josesel
cause, to (verb) eni
cedar (noun) ethruntithr
ceiling (noun) dhundol
chair (noun) odh
chaos (noun) aithress
chaotic (adjective) aithras
charcoal (noun) sisoroth
charisma (noun) lesiste
charismatic (adjective) lesistas
chase (noun) luse
chase or pursue, to (verb) lusi
child (noun) vailde
childlike (adjective) vaildas
choice (noun) aunde
choose, to (verb) aundi
circle (noun) ashrat
city, settlement (noun) do
clan (noun) eyoth
claw (noun) esede
claw, to (verb) esedi
clear, transparent (adjective) odhras
cloak (noun) ausale
cloak, to (verb) ausali
close to (preposition) thaussa
close, to (verb) endeli
closed (adjective) endelas
cloth (noun) dorann
clothe, to (verb) dorenni
clothing (noun) dorennel
cloud (noun) throteva
cloudy (adjective) throtevas
club, cudgel (noun) hailid
coal (noun) hythothrin
cold (adjective) lallas
cold (noun) lalle
collective suffix (suffix) -ai
color (noun) fidhe
color, to (verb) fidhi
come, to (verb) idhi
commit violence or be violent, to (verb) iesibi
comprehend/speak a language, to (verb) dhaeli
conjuration (noun) elietau
conjure, to (verb) elieti
conjuror (noun) elietyn
cook, chef (noun) dryn
cook, to (verb) dri
copper (adjective) rysalas
copper (noun) rysalos
corrupt, to (verb) nossalari
corruption (noun) nossalar
cotton (noun) bieloma
cousin (noun) shem
cover, to (verb) ausali
covering (noun) ausala
cow (noun) josis
create, to (verb) aivi
creation (noun) aivor
Creation, the Universe, the world (noun, collective) Aivai
creator (noun) aivryn
credit (noun) erajau
credit, to (verb) eraji
crooked (morally), cheating (adjective) rinyas
crooked or bent (adjective) idhas
cross, to (verb) tali
crow like a rooster, to (verb) kururi
crow, raven (noun) mherris
crown (noun) ainadhe
cry or weep, to (verb) dasosi
cube (noun) eholosta
cure (noun) virito
cure, to (verb) viriti
curse (noun) dishammoth
curse, to (verb) dishammothi
cut, to (verb) lasi
cylinder (noun) naurashrat


dad, daddy (noun) vosa
dagger, knife (noun) shyfe
dance, to (verb) liji
danger (noun) levanneth
dangerous (adjective) levannethas
dark (adjective) yadhas
dark (noun) yadha
Dark Elves/Yadhai ("The Forsaken") (noun, collective) Inasothai
Dark Place -- the Abyss (noun, proper) Thindyadhe
darken, to or be dark, to (verb) yadhi
daughter (noun) reve
day (noun) ra
dead (adjective) lathras
Dead, the (noun, collective) lathrai
death (noun) lathre
debt (noun) saustoth
debtor (noun) saustyn
deer (noun) gramad
defeat (noun) treste
defeat, to (verb) tresti
defeated (adjective) trestas
defend, to (verb) irantandi
defender (noun) irantandyn
defense (noun) irantand
demon (noun) asoha
demonspawn (noun, collective) asohillai
describe, to (verb) imadhlati
description (noun) imadhlate
device (noun) namah
dexterity (noun) adros
dextrous (adjective) adras
diamond (noun) kilendamdilis
die, to (verb) lathri
difficult (adjective) matras
difficulty (noun) matra
dig, to (verb) dhysi
diplomacy (noun) medhiraa
diplomacy, to use/to be diplomatic (verb) medhiri
diplomat (noun) medhiryn
diplomatic (adjective) medhiras
disease, sickness, illness (noun) khimme
distant (adjective) sethas
divinely (adverb) ralmasa
do right, to (verb) kudieni
do wrong, to (verb) olothi
do, to (verb) vi
dog (noun) thened
dog (noun) jivau
dogwood (noun) shavauldessa
door (noun) ellalm
dove (noun) iriarte
down (preposition) nol
dragon (noun) shauthaa
draw, to (verb) falbiri
drawing (noun) falbir
drawn/attracted to, to be (verb) dridi
drink (noun) eje
drink, to (verb) eji
duke (noun) morionthod
during (preposition) edhest
dwarf (noun) firua
dwarven (adjective) firuas
Dwarvish language (noun) Firuaisin
dwell, to (verb) amedhi
dweller (noun) amedhyn
Dwiit (noun, proper) Throndaur
dynamite (noun) jethistau


each (pronoun) hana
each (adjective) hanas
eagle (noun) jeme
ear (noun) liva
earth elemental (noun) haushryn ad othrode
earth, dirt (noun) othrode
earthy, dirty (lacks English connotations) (adjective) othrodas
ease (noun) hava
east (noun) esa
easy (adjective) havas
eat or consume, to (verb) aesi
eat, to (verb) ibi
eater (noun) aesyn
egg (noun) evo
eh, right, y'know (interjection) jo
either (adjective) kiestas
either (conjunction) kiesto
either (pronoun) kieste
elbow (noun) odhal
electrical (adjective) mesalauthas
electricity (noun) mesalauth
element (noun) haushre
elemental (adjective) haushras
elemental (magical being) (noun) haushryn
elements, the (noun, collective) haushrai
eleven (adjective) lasho
elf (noun) sidhe
elk (noun) kouhem
Elven, elf-like (adjective) sidhas
Elvenkind (noun, collective) Sidhai
Elvish language (noun) Sidhaisin
emerald (noun) othanyausaamdilis
end (noun) sede
end, to (verb) sedi
endurance (noun) nethom
enemy (noun) thathaiv
enjoy, to (verb) thremausi
enjoyment (noun) thremaule
even (adverb) nasa
ever (adverb) adhasa
every (pronoun) thea
everyone, everybody (noun) theatha
everything (noun) theame
evil (adjective) othras
evil (noun) othral
expect, to (verb) lalmydri
expectation (noun) lalmydru
explode, to (verb) kevaumi
explosion (noun) kevaumur
eye (noun) eva


fair, just, balanced (adjective) ivuthras
family (noun) atoshan
fang (noun) naurdrol
fast (adjective) nidhas
father (noun) vosand
fatherly (adjective) vosas
faugh, phooey, feh (interjection) teh
feast, to (verb) saithi
feather (noun) naithan
feathered (adjective) naithas
feathery (adjective) naithanas
feed, to (noun) esi
Fermus (noun, proper) Alledhre
ferret (noun) aelir
fever (noun) throvanye
feverish (adjective) throvanyas
few (adjective) besas
fierce (adjective) naladas
fiery (adjective) hythas
fifteen (adjective) lasaldo
fifty (adjective) ma-saldo
fight (noun) nethlan
fight (single combat), to (verb) nethi
fighter (noun) nethlyn
finger (noun) tisira
fingernail (noun) tisiradhan
finish, to (verb) thriani
finished, done (adjective) thrianas
fire (noun) hythyr
fire elemental (noun) haushryn ad hythyr
firefly (noun) ythlecheru
fish (noun) los
fish, to (verb) daulosi
five (adjective) saldo
flame (noun) quintaa
Flamemistress (noun, proper) Issailma
flax (noun) amath
flesh (noun) malnith
flint (noun) hythyrothrin
flint-lock (noun) hythryn
floor (noun) holim
flour (noun) favorol
flower or bloom, to (verb) endedhelmi
flower or blossom (noun) endedhelmide
fly, to (verb) avindi
foe (noun) diesta
fog (noun) iplai
foggy (adjective) iplas
follow, to (verb) lothosi
food (noun) lolin
fool (noun) votaa
foolish (adjective) votas
foot (noun) midhre
for (preposition) luth
foreign (adjective) drusidhas
forest, woods (noun) hilys
forested, wooded (adjective) hilyas
forge (metal), to (verb) arasathri
forged (metal) (adjective) arasathras
forget, to (verb) selosti
forgotten (adjective) selostas
forsake, to (verb) inasothi
forsaken (adjective) inasothas
forth (adverb) difasa
forty (adjective) ma-eho
forward (adverb) mirasa
four (adjective) eho
fourteen (adjective) leho
fox (noun) ledrith
friend (noun) duane
friendly (adjective) duanas
from (preposition) os
front (noun) mire
fruit (noun) ithlora
fruit-tree (noun) nalothlora
fuse (noun) roba
future (adjective) nythras
future (noun) nythrys


gadget (noun) anduny
gas (noun) ballau
gem (noun) amdilis
gemlike (adjective) amdilas
generate, to (verb) kethli
generator (noun) kethlyn
get vengeance, to (verb) ethrandri
give, to (verb) li
glass (noun) odhrasothrin
gnat (noun) naed
gnome (noun) dhyse
Gnomes (noun, collective) Dhysai
go, to (verb) anithi
god, goddess (noun) ralme
gold (adjective) ythlethalas
gold (noun) ythlethalos
good (adjective) rendas
good, goodness (noun) rendal
grain (noun) edhasir
grandfather (noun) vosandon
grandmother (noun) monyon
grandparent (noun) ithondon
grant mercy, to (verb) vanyi
grape (noun) nuth
grasp (noun) velnaur
grasp, to (verb) velni
green (adjective) ausas
grind, to (verb) ilmi
grindstone (noun) ilmothrin
grow old, to (verb) yrasi
grow, to (verb) sothi
gun (noun) sil
gunpowder (noun) favosil


hair (noun) kien
hairy (adjective) kienas
half (adjective) kinas
half (noun) kinaur
half-elf (noun) kinasidhe
half-elven (adjective) kinasidhas
halfling (noun) issas-rinua
Halflings (noun, collective) Issas-rinuai
halt, to (verb) kri
halve or split, to (verb) kini
hand (noun) shedre
hard (texture) (adjective) naethosas
hardness (texture) (noun) naethos
harp (noun) oldauneth
harp, to (verb) oldaunethi
harvest (noun) inetatos
harvest, to (verb) inetati
hate (noun) hanashir
hate, to (verb) hanashi
hateful (adjective) hanashas
have, to (verb) maudri
hawk (noun) kheson
he, him (pronoun) tha
head (noun) fith
heal, to (verb) esudhafli
healer (noun) esudhaflyn
healing (noun) esudhafle
hear, to (verb) othi
hearing, sense of (noun) othea
heat (noun) nata
hello (interjection) oha
help (noun) afe
help, to (verb) afi
helper (noun) afyn
helpful (adjective) afas
her, hers (pronoun, possessive) thos
herb (noun) illonith
here (noun) narth
Here (name of world) (noun, proper) Narth
hey (interjection) ko
hi (interjection) oh'
his (pronoun, possessive) thas
hold (noun) telnaur
hold, to (verb) telni
holiness (noun) ralma
holster (noun) telnan
holy, divine (noun) ralmas
home (noun) ine
home, house (noun) lanadh
honor (noun) iethre
honor, to (verb) iethri
hope (noun) ydra
hope, to (verb) ydri
hopeful (adjective) ydras
horn (musical instrument (noun) dhauneth
horn (of an animal) (noun) dhan
horse (noun) tabor
host (noun) evinyn
host, to (verb) evini
hot (adjective) natas
hour (noun) aullinde
house (noun) asathau
how (adverb) fathasa
how (conjunction) fath
howl (noun) troshrakarr
howler (noun) troshrakarryn
howling (adjective) troshrakarras
human (adjective) rinuas
human (noun) rinua
human common language (noun) Rinuaisin
humankind (noun, collective) rinuai
hundred (noun) alman
hunt (noun) lomde
hunt, to (verb) lomdi
hunter (noun) lomdyn


I, me (pronoun) se
if (conjunction) ni
importance (noun) fandala
important (adjective) fandalas
in (preposition) de
indigo (adjective) ludas
inflict pain, to (verb) tashi
infrablue (adjective) lautas
infragreen (adjective) lantas
infraindigo (adjective) antas
infraorange (adjective) oshas
infrared (adjective) othlas
infraviolet (adjective) dadhas
infrayellow (adjective) stas
injure, to (verb) aeshri
insect (noun) cheru
intelligence (noun) thurondo
intelligent (adjective) thurondas
into (preposition) del
invincible, unbeatable, undefeatable (adjective) drutrestavidhas
iron (noun) menorith
it (pronoun) ma


Jadeg (noun, proper) Drulathre
Jayn (noun, proper) Nethla
jewelry (noun) mithitros
joint (noun) hrithinde
joy (noun) inadhe
joyous, joyful (adjective) inadhas
judge (literally, "one who is just") (noun) ivuthryn
justice (noun) ivuthren


keep, to (verb) dosti
kill, murder (noun) syr
kill, to (verb) syri
killed (adjective) syras
king (noun) vadoshaeha
knee (noun) hellyln
know, to (verb) leyantessi
knowledge (noun) leyantessand
knuckle (noun) ietho


lake (noun) larq
lamp, lantern (noun) johythyr
land (upon a shore), to (verb) athari
language (noun) sindelos
language of (-ese) (suffix) -sin
latch (noun) kevedre
latch, to (verb) kevedri
late (adjective) thadras
lately (adverb) thadrasa
laurel (noun) othrandahe
law (noun) shrield
lawful (adjective) shrieldas
lead (noun) anduthrith
lead, to (verb) navassi
leader (noun) nevassyn
leadership (noun) navassa
leaf (noun) othanye
leaf (of a tree) (noun) nyoba
least (adverb) ythrasa
leather (noun) lehrthatar
left (adjective) edhas
left (noun) edha
leg (noun) ishe
legion, horde (noun) thrade
lend, to (verb) alti
lender (noun) altyn
less (adjective) ythasa
letter (alphabetic character) (noun) unar
letter (missive) (noun) qaeshe
life (noun) taila
light (noun) ythlos
light or ignite, to (verb) musi
lightning (noun) usonye
like (preposition) thaust
like, to (verb) ailesi
limb (of a tree) (noun) vadra
limb (of the body) (noun) hraith
linen (noun) avelonyos
lion (noun) sathros
listen, to (verb) byssi
listener (noun) byssyn
little, small (adjective) issas
live, to (verb) taili
living (adjective) tailas
lizard (noun) ivedh
lock (gun mechanism) (noun) silnamah
lock (security device) (noun) mavedre
lock, to (verb) mavedri
long (adjective) nauras
longhouse of a city (noun) do-feranath
longhouse, council house (noun) feranath
look, to (verb) essi
loom (noun) jadath
lore (noun) athliend
loud (adjective) kauthibas
loudness, volume (noun) kauthiba
love (noun) falamir
love, to (verb) falami
lover (noun) falamyn


mace (noun) jathe
machine (noun) alathralm
magery, the gift of magical ability (noun) alledhrol
magic, magic use (noun) alledhef
make (one) undead, to (verb) drulathri
make an enemy, to (verb) thahaivi
make, to (verb) firi
maker, builder (noun) firyn
mammal (noun) sithlyn
mammals (collective noun) sithlai
man, male (noun) odaha
mana (noun) alledh
manly (adjective) odahas
many (adjective) medas
maple (noun) idraullair
match (firestarter) (noun) kirea
match, to (verb) udresi
match-lock (noun) robasil
mate (noun) ynte
mate, to (verb) ynti
material (noun) esinn
maybe (adverb) aeth
mean, to (verb) ami
meat (noun) orende
mediate, to (verb) vasethi
mediation (noun) vasethe
mediator (noun) vasethyn
meet, to (verb) tori
meeting (noun) tore
Meje (noun, proper) Faillodhes
memory (noun) kebe
mental/spiritual strength (noun) throndillau
merciful (adjective) vanyas
mercy (noun) vanyar
metal (noun) alos
mimosa (noun) shothrandaur
mine, ours (pronoun, possessive) seles
minute (unit of time) (noun) raith
mirror (noun) tisatryn
mist (noun) asik
misty (adjective) asikas
mom, mommy (noun) monae
monarch (noun) vadoshae
money (noun) raset
month (noun) nymashrat
moon (noun) nymastyr
moon, larger, of Narth (noun, proper) Anul
moon, lesser, of Narth (noun, proper) Pedos
more (adverb) ethasa
most (adverb) ethrasa
mother (noun) monya
motherly (adjective) monyas
mouse (noun) tuin
mouth (noun) tath
muscial instrument (noun) namah o dauneth
muscle (noun) mora
music (noun) dauneth
music, to make (verb) daunethi
musical (adjective) daunethas
musician (noun) daunethyn
musket (noun) naurasil
musketball (noun) naurasilaist
my, our (pronoun, possessive) selas


name (noun) debeme
name, to (verb) debemi
nation (noun) eyothon
nature, character (noun) veth
navigate, to (verb) leyantimi
navigation (noun) leyantime
navigator (noun) leyantimyn
near (preposition) fli
necessity (noun) hethaume
neck (noun) dhu
need (noun) albela
need, to (verb) albeli
negotiate, to (verb) kelmili
negotiation (noun) kelmile
negotiator (noun) kelmilyn
neither (adjective) drukiestas
neither (conjunction) drukiesto
neither (pronoun) drukieste
Nerahn (noun, proper) Ythlyr
never (adverb) sadhasa
night (noun) augelm
no (adjective) venas
no (adverb) venasa
no (interjection) ven
no one (pronoun) venasho
noise (noun) kelnel
noise, to make (verb) kelneli
noisy (adjective) kelnelas
nonacle (noun) lashoshym
nor (conjunction) dran
north (noun) ath
northeast (noun) athesa
northwest (noun) athtel
nose (noun) taimae
not (adverb) dru
now (adverb) utiasa
Ntono (noun, proper) Yadhavailde
nut (noun) dand


oak, oak tree (noun) ahimoflaiya
ocean (noun) larquon
of (preposition) ad
off (adjective) nyas
off (preposition) nya
oh (interjection) ya
old (adjective) yras
on (adjective) soas
on (preposition) so
one (adjective) sho
one who acts like an elf, an elf-wannabe (noun) sidhyn
one who does (-er) (suffix) -yn
open (adjective) niendas
open, to (verb) niendi
opponent (noun) anoplyn
oppose, to (verb) anopli
or (conjunction) tant
orange (adjective) illas
orange (adjective) abas
orc (noun) nelara
Orcish (noun) Nelaraisin
orcish, brutish (adjective) nelaras
Orcs (noun, collective) Nelarai
ordinal number suffix (-th) (suffix) -om
other (adjective) thihnas
other (adverb) thihnasa
other (noun) thihn
other (pronoun) thihn
out (preposition) sie
outside (adjective) siethas
outside (adverb) siethasa
outside (preposition) siethe
owe, to (verb) sausti
owl (noun) linis


pain (noun) tash
painful (adjective) tashas
paint (noun) dahe
paint, to (verb) dahi
pant, to (verb) hafi
pants, breeches (noun) qethran
parent (noun) ithondo
part, portion (noun) keleth
pass, to (verb) authri
pay, to (verb) edili
payment (noun) edile
peace (noun) medh
pen (noun) naidhra
perhaps (adverb) haisa
philosopher (noun) faillodhetyn
philosophy (noun) faillodheta
pigeon (noun) godir
pine tree, pine wood (noun) fiethetrais
pipe (tubing) (noun) rar
pipes (musical instrument) (noun) jeshasto
pistol (noun) shedresil
pitch (sound frequency) (noun) miye
pitch, to (a sound) (verb) miyi
place (noun) thinde
plant (noun) iele
plant or root, to (verb) ieli
plantkind (noun, collective) ielibai
platinum (noun) kitedho
pleasant, pleasing (adjective) hethradas
please, to (verb) hethradi
pleasure (noun) hethrade
point (noun) enos
point, to (verb) enosi
point, to come to a (verb) firenosi
pole (noun) athel
polearm (noun) athelythre
polite (adjective) ballas
polite, to be (verb) balli
political (adjective) ulythras
politician (noun) ulythryn
politics (noun) ulythra
pond (noun) bollene
poplar (noun) shrydohauld
potato (noun) geso
powder (noun) favo
power, force (noun) gaishrin
praise (noun) yethere
praise, to (verb) yetheri
pray, to (verb) athasi
prayer (noun) athase
priest (noun) tholu
prince (noun) vaildoshaeha
princess (noun) vaildoshaetha
prophecy (noun) nythrygaste
prophesy, to (verb) nythrygasti
prophet (noun) nythrygastyn
prophetic (adjective) nythragastas
protect, to (verb) ithadri
protection (noun) ithadro
pseudodragon (noun) shautaanas
psionic (adjective) autalledhefas
psionicist (noun) autalledhefyn
psionics (noun) autalledhef
put, to (verb) dhri


queen (noun) vadoshaetha
quest (noun) isoseth
quickly (adverb) nidhasa


raccoon (noun) ronfiod
race / species (noun) nasalm
racial (adjective) nasalmas
rain (noun) ithro
rainy (adjective) ithras
Rammis (noun, proper) Lathre
rat (noun) margar
re- (repetitive prefix) (prefix) na(r)-
ready (adjective) edhehnas
ready, to (verb) edhehni
receive, to (verb) nidhi
reciprocal accessory pronoun (pronoun) ne(l)
rectangle (noun) eholovan
red (adjective) rysas
reed (noun) kavith
reflect, to (verb) tisathri
reflexive accessory pronoun (pronoun) na(l)
refuge (noun) silaso
regret, to (verb) plebi
remember, to (verb) kebi
removal (noun) thrielle
remove, to (verb) thrielli
reptile (noun) goltaupa
respond, to (verb) lireshi
return (noun) yilledh
return, to (verb) yilledhi
revenge (noun) ethrau
revenge oneself, to (verb) ethri
revere, to (verb) dethami
reverend (adjective) dethameas
reverent (adjective) dethamas
revolve, to (verb) idhri
revolver (noun) idhrasil
reward (noun) tanlye
reward, to (verb) tanli
rifle (noun) silasadhre
rifle, to (noun) lasadhri
right (adjective) irras
right (noun) irra
right, correct (adjective) kudias
rightly, correctly (adverb) kudiasa
rightness (noun) kudiesse
rise, to (verb) gaisi
river (noun) sha
roar, to (verb) rauri
robin (noun) pirande
rock, stone (noun) othrin
Rockthane (noun, proper) driskah
rooster, cock (noun) aradh
rotate, to (verb) edhri
rough (texture) (adjective) plenyas
rough, churning (as in seas) (adjective) madlas
roughness (texture) (noun) plenya
round (adjective) ashras
round (adjective) laistas
royal (adjective) lyladhas
royalty (noun, collective) lyladhai
ruby (noun) usasamdilis
rule, to (verb) vadoshi
ruler (noun) vadoshyn


safe (adjective) kas
safe (noun) jokas
safety (noun) kase
saltpeter (noun) jothrast
say or speak, to (verb) iri
scream, to (verb) shrakarri
screamer (noun) shrakarryn
screaming (adjective) shrakarras
scroll (noun) yssynde
sculpt/shape, to (verb) isuli
seal (noun) beseth
seal, to (verb) besethi
search (noun) isosedh
searcher (noun) isosedhyn
second (unit of time) (noun) thraile
see, to (verb) gasti
seed (noun) talath
seek, to (verb) isosi
sense (noun) lear
sense, to (to perceive) (verb) leari
separate (adjective) veltisas
separate, to (verb) veltisi
servant (noun) thaidryn
serve, to (verb) thaidri
serve, to (verb) diedi
service (noun) diedis
seven (adjective) las
seventeen (adjective) lalas
seventy (adjective) ma-las
shade, shadow (noun) hethrak
she, her (pronoun) tho
sheep (noun) quothil
shelf (noun) uriemo
shield (noun) relone
shield, to (verb) reloni
shine (noun) sal
shine, to (verb) sali
shiny (adjective) salas
ship (noun) na
shirt or tunic (noun) thimau
shoot, to (verb) hraithi
shore, coast (noun) ethelaa
short (adjective) ranas
shotgun (widegun) (noun) nykasil
sibling (noun) yaraith
sick, ill (adjective) khimmas
sick, to get; to fall ill (verb) khimmi
sight (noun) gasta
silk (noun) sirissa
silkworm (noun) sirissalauth
silky, silken (adjective) sirissas
silver (adjective) shymirralas
silver (noun) shymirralos
silver maple (noun) ebintiethrynd
since (adverb) ierasa
since (conjunction) iera
since (preposition) iera
sing, to (verb) ishieli
sing-song (adjective) ishielas
singer (noun) ishielyn
sister (noun) faedha
sisterly (adjective) faedhas
six (adjective) sathle
sixteen (adjective) lasathle
sixty (adjective) ma-sathle
skill (noun) siledthe
skin (noun) thatar
skin, to (verb) druthatari
skull (noun) disemda
sky (noun) olandithe
slow (adjective) foras
slowly (adverb) forasa
small, little (adjective) anas
smell, odor (noun) osuthle
smell, sense of (noun) osudhlea
smell, to (perceive a scent) (verb) osudhli
smell, to (to have an odor) (verb) osuthli
smelly (adjective) osuthlas
smith, metalworker (noun) arasathryn
smoke (noun) isaho
smoke, to (verb) isahi
so (adjective) imas
so (adverb) af
so (interjection) nauf
so (pronoun) eth
soft (sound volume) (adjective) kuthraas
soft (texture) (adjective) mydhrinyas
softness (sound volume) (noun) kuthraa
softness (texture) (noun) mydhrinye
son (noun) raman
song (noun) ishielan
songbird (noun) ishielavindyr
soon (adverb) binasa
sorcerer, wizard, mage, magic-user (noun) alledhryn
sound (noun) dhalma
south (noun) rath
southeast (noun) rathesa
southwest (noun) rathtel
sparkle, to (verb) kilendi
sparrow (noun) utiobel
speaker (noun) iryn
spear (noun) bauresat
speech (noun) iraa
speech (noun) sibadh
sphere, ball (noun) laist
spider (noun) iesathe
spiral (noun) adhre
spiral, to (verb) adhri
spirit, soul, mind (noun) aute
square (noun) losta
squirrel (noun) lhene
Srah (noun, proper) Nythrygasta
stalk, to (verb) dilidi
stand, to (verb) ihalni
star (noun) shym
starlight (noun) ythloshym
Stars, the (noun, collective) shymai
Starsinger, the (noun, proper) Shymishielyn
start a fire, to; burn, to (verb) hythi
steal or cheat, to (verb) rinyi
steam (noun) fitisaho
steam, to (verb) fitisahi
steamship (noun) fitisahona
steel (noun) salmenor
stem, stalk (of a plant) (noun) fokos
stick (noun) risam
still, yet (adverb) autreasa
sting, to (verb) taladi
stinger (noun) taladyn
stock (of a gun) (noun) silnabis
stone (noun) lirand
stop, to (verb) lomi
storage (noun) ishressoth
store (noun) ishresse
store, to (verb) ishresi
storm (noun) orraise
stormy (adjective) orraisas
story (noun) ost
stream (noun) aillie
strength (noun) datru
strife (noun) nithua
strike, to (verb) escyi
string (noun) ol
strong (adjective) datras
stuff (noun) nemmaek
suckle, to (verb) sithli
sugar maple (noun) shaidraullair
suggest, to (verb) rendri
sulphur (noun) aunil
summon, to (verb) aushri
summons (noun) aushron
sun (noun) ythla
"supergood" (enenal:good as evil:bad) (adjective) enenas
"supergood" (enenal:good as evil:bad) (noun) enenal
sweet (adjective) shaidras
swift, quick (adjective) omas
swiftly, quickly (adverb) omasa
swim, to (verb) auhri
sword (noun) tholm
symbol (noun) enethad
symbolic (adjective) enethadas
symbolize, to (verb) enethadi


take joy in, to (verb) inadhi
take, to (verb) fali
talk, to (verb) nendi
tall (adjective) iethas
tame, domesticated (adjective) jaendas
tame, to; domesticate, to (verb) jaendi
tan leather, to (verb) lehri
tanner (noun) lehryn
Tao-like Sidhe philosophy (noun) ostysidhie
tear or rip (noun) kera
tear, to (verb) keri
telegraph (noun) sethasilbyn
telegraph, to (verb) sethasilbi
tell or make up a story, to (verb) osti
tell, to (verb) lati
temple (noun) sholienistu
ten (adjective) ema
than (conjunction) enye
than (conjunction) folon
than (preposition) folon
thank, to (verb) aishri
thank, to (verb) imduli
that (adjective) aibas
that (adverb) aibasa
that (conjunction) sulie
that (pronoun) su
that which is borrowed (noun) iraiste
that which is lent (noun) alte
the (article) o
their (pronoun, possessive) thelas
theirs (pronoun, possessive) theles
them, they (pronoun) thel
then (adjective) ifanas
then (adverb) ifanasa
then (noun) ifane
there (adverb) ilasa
these (adjective) helas
these (pronoun) hel
thief, crook (noun) lothrinya
thing (noun) ame
think, to (verb) throndi
thinker (noun) throndyn
thirteen (adjective) ladhel
thirty (adjective) ma-dhel
this (adjective) has
this (adverb) hasa
this (pronoun) he
those (adjective) sulas
those (pronoun) sul
though (conjunction) pae
thought (noun) thronde
thousand (adjective) itine
three (adjective) dhel
through (preposition) aud
throw a feast, to (verb) mesaithi
throw, to (verb) thieni
thus (adverb) gau
time (noun) ythele
tin (noun) jindanos
to (preposition) si
toe (noun) fessre
tone (noun) falo
too (adverb) elmasa
tool (noun) menorav
tooth (noun) drol
torso (noun) nyadel
torture, to (verb) tashoni
torturer (noun) tashonyn
touch (noun) londe
touch, sense of (noun) londea
touch, to (verb) londi
tower (noun) lontath
town, village (noun) hamaith
travel, to (verb) imi
tree (noun) nalodhe
triangle (noun) dhelovan
trunk (of a tree) (noun) nelet
try, to; attempt, to (verb) neji
tube (noun) natham
turtle (noun) alidre
tusk (noun) naurdrolon
twelve (adjective) lasiv
twenty (adjective) ma-siv
twig (noun) il
two (adjective) siv


ugliness (noun) nole
ugly (adjective) nolas
un-, not (prefix) dru-
uncle (colloquial) (noun) dotaman
uncle (literally, "parent-brother") (noun) ithondotaman
undead (adjective) drulathras
undead (noun) drulathryn
under (preposition) ust
unfriendly (adjective) druduanas
unicorn (noun) shodhan
unless (conjunction) ove
unlike (adjective) druthaust
unpleasant (adjective) druethradas
until (conjunction) ro
until (preposition) ro
up (preposition) ive
use (noun) fe
use, to (verb) fi
useful (adjective) feas


vegetable (noun) namah
vengeance (noun) ethrandau
very (adverb) drasasa
vineyard (noun) nuthinde
violence (noun) iesiban
violent (adjective) iesibas
violet (adjective) sindas


wage war, to (verb) iboreli
wait, to (verb) athi
wall (noun) nyellis
wander, to (verb) thyrilli
wanderer (noun) thyrillyn
wandering (adjective) thyrillis
war, warfare (noun) iborelaa
warring (adjective) iborelas
warrior (noun) iborelyn
water (noun) fitis
water elemental (noun) haushryn ad fitis
waterwheel (noun) ovitsha
watery, wet (adjective) fitas
Wavemaster (noun, proper) Shaldrim
wax (noun) myaso
we, us (pronoun) sel
weak (adjective) otiras
weapon (noun) lythre
wear, to (verb) abi
weasel (noun) gerva
weave, to (verb) viri
weaver (noun) viryn
week (noun) keh
werewolf (literally, "wolfer") (noun) trosyn
west (noun) tel
wet or dampen, to (verb) fiti
what (adjective) jalas
what (adverb) jalasa
what (pronoun) jal
wheat (noun) orol
wheel (noun) ovit
wheel-lock (noun) ovitsil
when (adverb) vasa
when (conjunction) vo
when (pronoun) vol
where (adverb) illeasa
where (conjunction) illea
where (noun) ille
which (adjective) athloas
which (pronoun) athloa
while (conjunction) thro
white (adjective) yrras
who (pronoun) jen
why (adverb) ashasa
why (conjunction) ash
why (noun) ashe
wick (noun) hythyrol
wide (adjective) nykas
wild (adjective) esas
wildcat (noun) esasenase
willow (noun) buniessedh
wind (noun) kashuya
window (noun) gosirrath
wine (noun) olethy
wing (noun) eshua
wire (noun) alosol
wisdom (noun) andothie
wise (adjective) andothas
wise man (noun) andothryn
wish (noun) thera
wish, to (verb) theri
with (preposition) otra
within (adverb) ilpasa
without (adverb) botreste
without (preposition) tredha
wolf (noun) tros
wolven (adjective) trosas
woman, female (noun) otha
womanly (adjective) othas
wonder (noun) aithrim
wonder, to (verb) aithrimi
wondrous (adjective) aithrimas
wood (noun) nabis
woodchuck (noun) yramin
wool (noun) niende
woolen (adjective) niendas
word (noun) elba
work (noun) ise
work/labor, to (verb) isi
worker (noun) isryn
world, garden (noun) ostys
worm (noun) lauth
worship, to (verb) ilyshri
worshipper (noun) ilyshryn
wound (noun) salquon
wound, to (verb) salquoni
wrist (noun) adis
wrist (noun) inaeth
write, to (verb) ilbi
writer (noun) ilbyn
written (adjective) ilbas
wrong (adjective) olothas
wrong (noun) olothe
wrongdoing (noun) olothesse


year (noun) throntaa
yellow (adjective) kishas
yes (interjection) nadu
yew (noun) utasiedym
you (plural/formal) (pronoun) fal
you (singular/familiar) (pronoun) fa
your (pronoun, possessive) falas
yours (pronoun, possessive) fales

This page was created on November 7, 1997.
Last modified March 12, 2011.